I’ve been playing Clash Royale way more that I should’ve since it was launched globally and I have already managed to get good progress in the game, but there is one thing that really annoys me and resulted in many lost battles: connection problems and the red signal that tells me that I have no WiFi, even though that is not true and everything else is working flawlessly. Another Clash Royale problem that I have been dealing with a lot lately – but not as bad, although still annoying, is the game getting stuck at the loading screen at 50%.
Both problems encountered are, obviously, extremely frustrating: the first one because it results in instantly lost battles and therefore trophies, and the second one because it doesn’t even allow me to log in to the game and get my chests, unlocks and… well… play this amazing game! Here is how both errors look like, in case you don’t know what I am talking about. The first one is the “bad connection” or “wi fi connection problem” or whatever it’s called:
And the second is the screen that I get to stare at for ages every now and then:
So is there a way to fix the Clash Royale connection problems and get rid of the message that tells us that we are losing Wi Fi signal, even though we are not? I am also on a particularly good home internet connection and anything else works fine. I even tried playing the game on my iPad and surfing the internet on my iPhone when the connection problem appears, and the phone worked fine. Which is really odd.
Supercell themselves try to address this issue, posting this on their official website:
“For a smooth Royale experience, it’s important that you are connected to a reliable network, and that your device’s signal is strong. Full WiFi bars or mobile (cellular) data coverage alone is not always enough to guarantee solid connection, as local networks can slow down, getting overburdened at times. This is especially true if you play in a moving vehicle or on underground public transport. As with any other online service, we recommend playing over WiFi with a dependable Internet service provider, or at least a solid 3G/4G connection with a reliable carrier.”
Of course, this doesn’t help much.
One of the things that did help in my case was switching from my home Wi Fi signal to a mobile network (4G). For some strange reason, the game works nice on 4G and I manage to get rid of the connection problems that way. Of course, 4G is in most cases not free, so this is not a long term solution.
Most likely the servers of the game are being flooded right now and that’s the number one cause for the Clash Royale connection problems and stuck at 50% loading, as well as other connection-related problems. I am sure that Supercell will address these and we’ll be able to fully enjoy the game. Until then, try my 4G connection solution and let me know if it works.
Also, if you have another suggestions – or more suggestions for fixing these problems, don’t hesitate to let us know by commenting below.
Published: Mar 6, 2016 09:30 am