If you have been playing games on iOS for some time and love simulation games, there’s a good chance you have played one of the Godzilab titles now available on the App Store. The newest title from the team, Pirate Power, has been soft-launched on the Canadian App Store a few months ago and today a brand new video has been made available.
The new Pirate Power video showcases the game’s combat and how players can use their pirate ships to take down a variety of sea creatures and other pirates. It’s what pirates do, after all, so no surprises here. You can take a look at the video right below.
Pirate Power is going to combine all the features included in the previous Godzilab games, creating a really interesting mix. In Pirate Power players will be able to explore islands, travel on the seas and fight enemies. As the game is still in soft-launch mode, many of its features will most likely be tweaked in time for the final release.
Pirate Power is now available in soft-launch mode on the Canadian App Store. More on the game is surely going to come in soon so stay tuned for all the latest news.
Published: Aug 31, 2015 10:48 am