In Shin Megami Tensei V, you will often encounter demons that will ask you for their help solving their troubles. Helping these demons and thus completing sidequests is not required to complete the story at all, but it’s always a good idea to do so, as you will get some very nice rewards that can make upcoming battles much more manageable.
Here’s how to complete one of the sidequests you can accept early in the game, The Cursed Mermaids.
How to Complete the Cursed Mermaids Sidequest in Shin Megami Tensei V
The Cursed Mermaids sidequest can be started by speaking with the Mermaid hiding behind the waterfall in the Minato ward. The exact location, which is to the south of the Hamamatsucho Leyline Fount, can be found on the map above.
After you interact with the Mermaid, who asks the Nahobino to look into a curse that is afflicting the Mermaids, you need to get to the location shown on the map below, which is to the southwest of the Tokyo Tower Leyline fount. If you accepted the quest as soon as it became available, you will have to defeat the Hydra story boss before you can reach the location.
After getting to the areas to the southwest of Tokyo Tower, you will have to fight against Pazuzu. This battle can be quite challenging if you are at a low level, so make sure to bring as many demons you can that can use Bufu skills to exploit Pazuzu’s weakness, and as many that can resist Force attacks.
Once Pazuzu is sent back to the hell it came from, return to the Mermaid and speak with her to complete the quest. You will receive 3 Grimoires and 800 EXP points.
Published: Jan 3, 2022 11:11 am