Gearhead is a teachable killer perk from Dead By Daylight Mobile’s Deathslinger. Deathslinger was introduced in 2020 in the Chains of Hate DLC chapter and uses his power The Redeemer to shoot at survivors from a distance and reel them in. His personal perks are designed to impede survivors as they try to complete objectives such as repairing generators and cleansing totems.
The perks that come along with The Deathslinger are Hex: Retribution, which inflicts Oblivious on any survivor who cleanses a totem, Dead Man’s Switch, which blocks a generator when a survivor stops repairing, and Gearhead, which reveals a survivor’s aura when they achieve a Great Skill Check. These teachable perks can be unlocked on other survivors once Deathslinger is at level 30-40. Find out more below!
How to Use Gearhead in DBD Mobile

Gearhead will appear on Killers’ Bloodwebs once Deathslinger is at level 30 (Dead Man’s Switch at level 35, and Hex: Retribution at level 40). Gearhead punishes survivors who achieve a Great Skill Check while repairing a generator, but only after they have lost one health state.
After a survivor loses a health state—from healthy to injured, or injured to dying—the Gearhead perk activates. While Gearhead is activated, the survivor’s aura is revealed for up to 10 seconds when they achieve a Great Skill Check while repairing a generator. After that time, the perk deactivates.

The perk can be used over and over, with no limits. As long as the survivor loses a health state, the perk can activate again.
When it was first released, Gearhead’s aura reveal lasted longer and was activated with 2 basic attack hits rather than a change of health state. Since it has been nerfed twice, once after the PTB and another time in an update, and decreasing the aura reveal time drastically, it is not really considered a useful perk. Let us know in the comments below if you disagree, and if you have a good perk build recommended to include Gearhead.
Published: Mar 2, 2022 10:32 am