Directly trying to find and catch a Swampert may not be the best idea, as the most effective method to catch a Swampert is through raid battles, and if Swampert raids are not available to you at the moment, then you’re out of luck.
What is the Best Way to Get Swampert in Pokemon GO?

What this means is that the best method to get a Swampert for yourself is through alternate means: by catching a Mudkip first.
Mudkip can be easily acquired by searching in dark-green areas such as rivers, oceans, lakes, and parks, as it possesses an increased spawn rate in the aforementioned areas. Furthermore, Mudkip can also appear in 5 km eggs.
Once you have caught your very own Mudkip, it’s time to move on to the next step: evolving it into Marshtomp. This can easily be done by feeding 50 candy to your Mudkip.
Now that you have a Marshtomp in your possession, you can finally head onto evolving it into a Swampert. You will need to have at least 100 Candy in order to evolve Marshtomp into Swampert.
If this sounds tedious, you can use Pinap Berries when capturing Mudkip in order to double the candy. Furthermore, if you assign Mudkip as your buddy, you can collect one candy for every 3km you walk, which adds up very quickly!
Sooner or later, you should have 100 candy with you, and then Swampert will be yours soon after! This Water / Ground type starter Pokemon is a real beast, so make sure you use it to its full potential!
Published: Mar 11, 2022 02:35 am