The second entry in the Valiant Force franchise, Valiant Force 2, takes place a decade after the first game, where the player returns to the realm of Arathos as it needs saving once again, and we, the players, can keep it from chaos using our wallets. Sorry! We mean by battling the evil forces. Jokes aside—the game’s pre-registration has just begun. And with that, we are here with a guide on how to pre-register for Valiant Force 2.
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But before that, here is a sneak peek at how Valiant Force 2’s story will unfold, “the disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.”
Now without any further ado, let us check how you can pre-register for Valiant Force 2 on your Android device.
How to Pre-Register for Valiant Force 2
You can pre-register for Valiant Force 2 via the Google Play Store. Since the game is not yet available on the iOS platforms, the only option to pre-register and play Valiant Force 2 is on an Android device. Here are the steps you can follow to pre-register for Valiant Force 2.
- Open Google Play Store on your Android device or a browser on a PC.
- Make sure you are logged into your primary Google Play Account.
- Search for Valiant Force 2.
- Open the game’s listing page.
- Click on the pre-register button.
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If you are not getting the pre-register button on Valiant Force 2 Google Play Store listing page, that implies the game is not yet available in your region/country.
Valiant Force 2 is a roleplaying strategy game coming to Android platforms.
Published: Sep 22, 2022 12:00 pm