Nature Mints are special items in Pokemon Scarlet And Violet that changes the Nature of the Pokemon, raising the stats corresponding to the Mint-type. Doing so allows you to use the same Pokemon in different scenarios where certain stats prove more beneficial than others. So to ensure you are battle ready, we are here with a handy guide on how to get Nature Mints in Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
How To Get Nature Mints In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet

In Pokemon Scarlet And Violet, you can get Nature Mints from the Chansey Supply shop that you will find in Mesagoza and other major cities.
Once in Mesagoza, go through the central plaza and interact with the rightmost shop. That is the Chansey Supply Mesagoza branch that sells the different Nature Mints for 20,000 Pokedollars each.

Granted, you have enough Pokedollars, you can select the Nature Mint you want and press the A button and then the dialogue option “I’d like to buy” to make the purchase.
Apart from that! Each of the Nature Mints is found in the overworld. So, there’s a high chance you would have already stumbled into some of the different Mints. If not, keep exploring if you don’t want to spend the hefty 20,000 Pokedollars.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are currently available on the Nintendo Switch platform.
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Published: Nov 20, 2022 01:47 am