Sometimes it is not about what you are looking at, but rather how you are looking. This philosophy is the center of 3D puzzle game Polysphere, the game where you need to change your perspective to find the picture.
Perfect for relaxation, de-stressing, and just simple meditation of the mind, Polysphere presents players with a fragmented image. In order to restore the picture to its former glory, you need to rotate the pieces around with the simple drag of your finger.
With each drag, you should be able to piece together more of the picture. Eventually, once you have a clear image in your head, rotate the pieces in position so that the full picture comes to the front.
With no time limits or stressful scores to keep track of, Polysphere is exclusively about you and the picture – nothing else, nothing more. There are plenty of free pictures for players to solve, and if you want Polysphere offers a subscription service that grants you access to new pictures ever day.
Polysphere is available now on the App Store and Google Play Store.
Published: Dec 28, 2018 04:39 am