We love Lums, that is pretty obvious from our review. But we don’t really like the fact that it’s so incredibly difficult at times. Fortunately, you don’t have to go through the pain we’ve gone through because we have this Lums cheats article with tips and tricks to play the game like an expert and not only destroy all the vampires, but also get the three stars in the process. OK, maybe you won’t get all that from this article, but it’s a pretty cool starting point nevertheless!
Always start by scouting the area
It’s really important to know what you are dealing with, so take a few seconds to look at the entire play area and plan ahead your moves. You’re not in a race against time and in this game it’s better to be prepared than facing the unexpected all the time.
Get the stars first
Your main goal should be getting the three stars. Normally, if you do this, you will also destroy all the vampires in the process. So start by gathering the easy stars an focus all your moves on getting the stars and don’t think in terms of vampire hunting. You’ll see that it will be a lot easier this way!
Start with the farthest star (or most difficult to get)
Some of the stars are really well hidden or hard to get at, so always start with those – this way you avoid the frustrating situation when, after almost cleaning everything, you do a wrong move and have to start over.
Learn the abilities of your Lums
Light Lums go through glass and create light when they hit an object. The Antigravity Lum is great at drawing out their hideouts, the Stone Lum turns anything into stone and so on… Usually, the developers have placed the lums in each level in the order you have to use them, so make sure you do it right!
Play based on the Lums you have
You won’t have all the types of Lums you might want each level and they come in limited supply. So after checking out the area, make sure that you look at the Lums you have to play with, as well as the order in which you’ll have to play them.
Be Patient
There were times when I thought that I can easily and speedily navigate the Lums around. I was wrong. Take your time, play it slow and be patient. Otherwise you will certainly fail and only build up your frustration, which in turn will make you unable to play slow.
Do you have other Lums tips and tricks to share with us? Let us know by commenting below!
Published: Jul 25, 2013 09:46 am