Run Sackboy! Run!, the mobile game based on the Little Big Planet series created by Sony, is finally available in all regions on the App Store. The game has been available since last month on the New Zealand App Store in soft-launch mode.
Run Sackboy! Run! is quite different from the main entries of the Little Big Planet series as it doesn’t come with any of the creation features that made the series so successful. Still, the game has enough unique features that set it apart from other endless runner games currently available on the App Store.
Run Sackboy! Run! gameplay experience is more focused on actual platforming, making it more varied than your usual endless runner games. Also, the game includes plenty of collectibles to find, adding even more to the experience. All this, coupled with the unique presentation, makes Run Sackboy! Run one of the more unique games now available on the App Store.
Run Sackboy! Run! is now available on the App Store for free so make sure to check it out if you’re a fan of the Little Big Planet series or if you’re looking for a more involving endless runner game. If you’re having some problems with the game, you can check out our own Run Sackboy! Run! guide.
Published: Oct 30, 2014 12:08 pm