Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, in true Pokémon tradition, share pretty much every gameplay feature, but there are a few differences that set them apart from one another.
As some players can only purchase one version of the game, it is very important to know what are the differences between the two versions of the game. And if you’re among these players, you have definitely come to the right place.
Here are all the differences between Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
What’s the Difference Between Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, as mentioned above, come with the same story and share every gameplay feature. The only thing that differentiates them are the Pokémon available in the two games.
All Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Exclusive Pokémon
Here are all of the Pokémon that can only be found in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond.
Name | Pokédex No. |
Caterpie | 010 |
Metapod | 011 |
Butterfree | 012 |
Ekans | 023 |
Arbok | 024 |
Growlithe | 058 |
Arcanine | 059 |
Seel | 086 |
Dewgong | 087 |
Scyther | 123 |
| |
Electabuzz | 125 |
Murkrow | 198 |
Gligar | 207 |
Scizor | 212 |
Elekid | 239 |
Raikou | 243 |
Entei | 244 |
Suicune | 245 |
Larvitar | 246 |
Pupitar | 247 |
| |
Tyranitar | 248 |
Ho-Oh | 250 |
Seedot | 273 |
Nuzleaf | 274 |
Shiftry | 275 |
Mawile | 303 |
Zangoose | 335 |
Solrock | 338 |
Kecleon | 352 |
Cranidos | 408 |
Rampardos | 409 |
Honchkrow | 430 |
Stunky | 434 |
Skuntank | 435 |
Electivire | 466 |
Gliscor | 472 |
Dialga | 483 |
All Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Exclusive Legendary Pokémon
Both Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl feature multiple Legendary Pokémon, but a few of them are exclusive to one of the games. All these Legendary Pokémon can be found in Ramanas Park, a new area that can be accessed only after defeating the Elite Four.
In case you missed them in the list above, Entei, Ho-Oh, Raikou, and Suicune can only be found in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond.
All Pokémon Shining Pearl Exlclusive Pokémon
These are all of the Pokémon Shining Pearl exclusive Pokémon.
Name | Pokédex No. |
Weedle | 013 |
Kakuna | 014 |
Beedrill | 015 |
Sandshrew | 027 |
Sandslash | 028 |
Vulpix | 037 |
Ninetales | 038 |
Slowpoke | 079 |
Slowbro | 080 |
Magmar | 126 |
| |
Pinsir | 127 |
Articuno | 144 |
Zapdos | 145 |
Moltres | 146 |
Slowking | 199 |
Misdreavus | 200 |
Teddiursa | 216 |
Ursaring | 217 |
Stantler | 234 |
Magby | 240 |
| |
Lugia | 249 |
Lotad | 270 |
Lombre | 271 |
Ludicolo | 272 |
Sableye | 302 |
Seviper | 336 |
Lunatone | 337 |
Bagon | 371 |
Shelgon | 372 |
Salamence | 373 |
Shieldon | 410 |
Bastiodon | 411 |
Mismagius | 429 |
Glameow | 431 |
Purugly | 432 |
Magmortar | 467 |
Palkia | 484 |
All Pokémon Shining Pearl Exclusive Legendary Pokémon
Like for the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond exclusive Legendary Pokémon, the Shining Pearl ones can be found in Ramanas Park. These are Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Lugia.
Published: Nov 19, 2021 10:31 am