The dark and eccentric yet lovable family is coming to the mobile scene! In celebration of the upcoming Addams Family’ animated movie, a mobile tie-in game is releasing as well, titled Addams Family Mystery Mansion.
In Mystery Mansions, players will help the titular family move into a strange new locale, although nothing stranger than the things they have encountered in the past. There is more than meets the eye here, and it is up to you to help the family uncover its secrets.
Players are tasked with collecting beloved Addams Family characters and furnishing the mansion. Get iconic characters like the beautiful and charming Morticia and the kindhearted Gomez, plus more favorites like Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fester, and more!
And of course, don’t forget to furnish the house. Decorate the mansion to your liking, but remember that the family wants specific furniture too! You will need to craft spooky items to meet their demands.
As you build, you will be able to experience a brand new original story that contains the same charm that everyone loves the Addams Family for. The mansion awaits!
Addams Family Mystery Mansion will release on the App Store and Google Play Store on October 9, 2019, just in time for the spooky season.
Published: Sep 17, 2019 11:33 pm