The dawn of magic is upon us, and only you can help the True Mages save their dying world. Age of Magic is a fantasy turn-based RPG with elves, demons, dragonkins, and more. Recruit legendary heroes, fight epic battles, and save the world… or destroy it. Age of Magic lets you play both the Light and Dark campaigns to see the whole story. Only you can see the true end to this story, and our Age of Magic cheats and tips will help you on your journey.
Age of Magic is a fairly complex RPG, so there’s a lot to cover here. Most of it has to deal with powering up your heroes, so let’s get started with our Age of Magic cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide!
Train your heroes often!
Unlike other traditional turn-based RPGs, your heroes in Age of Magic do not naturally gain experience as they battle enemies. Instead, you must manually give them Experience Potions to power them up.
This is incredibly important when you recruit new heroes, as they start out at level 1 and will go down VERY fast if you bring them into battle. Even out your heroes and distribute your Experience Potions evenly.
Gear up your heroes!
Be on the lookout for new gear too. If you see a hero with a green + on their profile panel, that means they have a new piece of gear they can equip. Gear is just as important as levels in this game, so try to get as much gear as you can for your heroes.
When you’re previewing a level in the campaign, take a look at the list of possible drops. If you see a green dot next to one of the pieces of gear, that means you have a hero in your party that needs it.
If you manage to complete a full set for a hero, you can “rarefy” them. This will consume their gear and permanently increase their equipment level. Alongside leveling up, this is one of the biggest ways to improve your heroes, which is why gear is so very important.
Use Memory Spheres to collect gear fast!
If you don’t feel like battling through a level, you use a Memory Sphere – those little yellow orbs that look like candy – to instantly complete a level and get the rewards. This is incredibly useful if you’ve hit a roadblock and you need to farm gear for your heroes.
In fact, you will be practically forced to do this midway through the first chapter of the light campaign, so don’t be afraid to use them. You can earn more by completing some of the levels manually.
Enter the Valley of Treasures to find Skill Cubes!
Stats aren’t everything for your heroes, as they would be powerless without their skills. In order to upgrade a hero’s skills, you’ll need Skill Cubes. Skill Cubes can be acquired from the Valley of Treasure which unlocks once you hit level 10.
If you’re looking to upgrade some of your skills, a visit to the Valley of Treasures will do you good. You can also sometimes find Skill Cubes inside the free chests from the Shop.
The Valley of Treasures is setup like an actual campaign, but don’t worry about your energy as it takes a special separate energy to enter. Try to expend your special energy before you start adventuring through the regular campaign.
Build a balanced party!
There are seven classes in the game and five party slots. This means that you’re going to have to think hard about who you’re going to bring for the fights up ahead. To give you a good starting point, in almost all instances your party should have a tank and a healer. Tanks will soak up damage for your squishier heroes and healers can keep everyone topped off.
That leaves three other slots for you to tinker with. Melee and Ranged Damagers are the base damage dealer classes in the game, and they’re never a bad choice for basic damage. Rogues and Casters specialize in high burst damage using their powerful skills. Bosses are the main heroes of the game, and they also have powerful skills.
When putting together your party, consider any possible traits that synergize. For example, Denaya the Barbarian Queen is a Boss-class hero with a passive that boosts the base stats of all Barbarians in the party by 10%. Keep an eye out for bonuses like this!
If you are looking for a complete tier list for the best characters in AoM, make sure to check it out as well and build that perfect team ASAP!
That’s all for Age of Magic! If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Jun 7, 2018 1:49 PM UTC