The Secret Territory is a weekly rogue-like game mode in Alchemy Stars, hidden behind a story progression wall. The secret territory has its own energy, currency, and store. By playing the secret territory game mode, players can not only check the abilities of their Aurorians. But also earn currency using which they can buy a variety of items, including star flare.
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In this article, we will shared details on how to unlock Secret Territory in Alchemy Stars. And, how does Secret Territory works. So without any further ado, let us move forward to the main section of the article.
How to Unlock Secret Territory in Alchemy Stars
To unlock Secret Territory in Alchemy Stars, players have to progress through the story missions. Once players clear the stage 3-7 of the main story, they will get access to the Secret Territory Alchemy Stars.
How Secret Territory Works in Alchemy Stars
As we mentioned earlier, Secret Territory has its own energy called MS, a currency called Text Fragments, and a store called Secret Store. So the basic working structure of Secret Territory in Alchemy Stars is:
Complete different Nodes offered in Secret Territory –> Earn Text Fragments –> Spend Text Fragments in Secret Store to Buy Furniture, Star Flare, or other items.

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The secret territory offers different game nodes that includes –
- General Area
- Starting node with normal enemies.
- Dangerous Area
- Echoes of Wails
- Upon death, Eclipsites reduce ATK of player’s team by 10% for 3 rounds.
- Echoes of Wails
- Special Area
- Denoted by ?. Collect Intel.
- Relic Warehouse
- No enemies. Step on three raised buttons to complete the node.
- Lumina Spring
- Used for health regen and reviving a random Aurorian, and to get 5 MS.
- Scrounger
- Lethal Area
- Boss node. Eclipsites attacks are increased by 10%.
As you can see above, in Alchemy Stars, players get seven nodes/areas for the weekly game mode Secret Territory. Every Aurorians have the same HP and stats while clearing any of the nodes in Secret Territory. You can even use your “Not Upgraded Aurorians” in Secret Territory as they will get scaled to fit the node requirements.
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Clear the nodes in Secret Territory to earn Text Fragment currency and other rewards in Alchemy Stars. Since it is a weekly mode, the nodes will reset after a week. In the wake of that, make sure to fully utilize the Secret Territory energy “MS”, as it won’t take much of your time to clear a node.
Alchemy Stars is a roleplaying game currently available on Android and iOS platforms.
Published: Jun 30, 2021 1:54 AM UTC