WARNING: Aim-assist mods or scripts are not allowed in online multiplayer. They are ILLEGAL and will get your account banned. Please stick to offline single-player mode (or games) when using these.
Aim assist is a feature for many First Person Shooter (FPS) games that help to give players an edge when aiming and shooting. It assists the player by providing some degree of automation to their aim, allowing them to focus more on movement and other mechanics within the game.
Aim assist makes FPS games more accessible to casual gamers and helps players at all levels gain better control over their aim. Some mods or scripts can crank these aim-assist features to the extreme, allowing players to rarely miss a target. Here’s a list of the best ones we know of.
Amlock v9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

This aim-assist application will drastically improve your aim in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Unlike most of the mods on this list, it can be used in multiplayer. It will snap your crosshair to the closest enemy head for a quick kill. However, please DO NOT use this in multiplayer, as it is not legal and may get your account banned.
Sinister AimLock | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

This aim-assist application uses a bullet prediction script to make your aim godlike. It can also follow enemy movement through walls. Please be careful when using this as it is not legal, so DO NOT use it in any multiplayer mode, as it will get your account banned if you do.
Better Aim Assist (Headshot) | DOOM Eternal

This mod will improve that aim for two weapons: the Precision Bolt and the Gauss Cannon. You can aim slightly off, and it will still hit, making it easier to make headshots. This should make aiming easier and help you miss fewer shots.
Better Aim Assist for Controller | Payday 2

Payday 2 is such a great game, and it is understandable if you want to take it up a notch by not missing your enemies, especially if you just came back from work and want to blow off some steam. This mod will improve the aim assist of the game, making it easier for players using a controller to make headshots and aim at enemies in general.
Aim Assistance – Forge | Minecraft

This Minecraft mod improves the aim of your crosshair towards blocks but not players. This mod has great tracking, so you should have no issues while moving. This mode is intended to help new players and players with disabilities to still enjoy the game.
Related | How to Download and Install Mods on Minecraft PE
Auto Aim Fix – Headshot Deluxe Edition | Fallout 3

Although not a traditional aim-assist mod, this one will make your V.A.T.S. 100% accurate, never missing the selected target. If you want a never miss mod but still want the game to be a challenge, then you will like this one.
Actually Smart Weapons (aim for the head) | Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 already has a built-in aim-assist mechanic in the form of smart weapons that auto aim. However, they are not very reliable. This mod will improve your aim drastically and even let auto aim at the right spots, like the head. It’s perfect for casual players who play the game for story alone.
Aim assist can come in different forms, such as auto-aiming or auto-tracking, which allows the player’s view to focus automatically on an enemy when they are within a certain range. It can also reduce the controller drift and fine-tuning required for precise aiming. As long as you use them responsibly, you should be set!
Published: Feb 13, 2023 9:30 AM UTC