In today’s article we are going to cover all of the Bid Wars tips and cheats and help you collect all of the most precious relics to make a good profit on the side.
If you have been familiar with Storage Wars and other such shows on the TV, then this game basically follows the same concept, except that it has no annoying commercials in between!
So it is a pretty fun game, it lets you try your best at winning the bids, it’s exciting because you never know what to expect in the boxes, and it’s entertaining!
But enough with the praising right now, you came here for all the Bid Wars tips and tricks, so that is exactly what we are going to give you! So, are you ready? Then let’s dive right into them!
IMPORTANT: This is a guide for the Bid Wars mobile game. We also have a guide for the newly released Bid Wars Stars game.
Start understanding how bidding works
So now let me explain to you how the basics of the game work! Basically you will be looking to bid an amount of the money that you have (in the top right corner) for the unit in front of you. This amount should be as low as possible, so that you can make a lot of profit.

The other people who are bidding will be on the left side of the screen, and they will try to compete with you for getting the best units. The bids are shown in a dialogue box next to each character.
You will be able to outbid your opponents by tapping on the “Bid” button on the right, or choose to opt out of the bid by tapping on the “Retreat” red button on the left.
Try to not go overboard with the bidding
Even if most of the time you will make profit no matter what you pay, sometimes it will just not pay off to extra bid. The amount of dollars you will make when you sell all of the items will not always be super worth it, so I suggest that you don’t go crazy with the bidding.
In my opinion, for storage units which have items which are worth around 200$ or so, you can go up to 400-500, depending on how many items you have. Really, it is more like a trial that you need to try again and again so you can understand how it works.
Take part in the Daily Auction
If you want to make a lot of money, this is something that you should definitely do every single in game day. The Daily Auction will let you bid once per day to an Auction where you can earn quite a lot of money by doing little investment.
In this Daily Auction you will also have a high chance to find a rare item, so it’s good to try and also win the bids.
I suggest that you save your money every day and try to bid in these, because it is a good way to make easy money and get a chance to collect a rare item.

Go bid in the Weekly Auction
In the Weekly Auction, much like in the Daily Auction, you will be able to complete in an Auction which happens once every week. This automatically resets every Monday, so you basically have time from Monday to Sunday to save money and take part in it.
It is super good to go take part into this Auction, because it has a very high chance to give you a Rare item.
This chance is even higher than in the Daily Auction, so make sure you try and, if you don’t have money at the moment, save as much as you can and take part in the Auction later, just make sure it has not resetted yet.
It’s a one week only thing, so even if you don’t plan on playing very much, and you want to save money, make sure you do this because it is super fast and easy to make money.
Unlock new areas
You can unlock new areas by completing the previous area (or the current area) that you are in, so that you will get access to new challenges. This is super good, and it’s fairly cheap too! Unlocking a new city costs:
– 50 Dollars (for Houston, TX)
– 100 Dollars (for New York, NY)
– 1000 Dollars (for Las Vegas, NV)
– 10000 Dollars (for Malibu, CA)
– 100000 Dollars (for Miami, FL)
– 250000 Dollars (for Dallas, TX)
– 300000 Dollars (for Los Angeles, CA)
– 350000 Dollars (for San Francisco, CA)
These are all the areas that you can unlock. It will require you to farm certain areas quite a bit and place many bids to unlock all of them, but that’s what the game is all about after all, right?

So make sure you don’t throw the money out the window at every random bid you see because if you want to eventually get to unlock San Francisco (where the most money are made) you need to think about every amount of money that you spend.
Save the Gold for the Rare Facilities
Every time you level up in the game you will receive a few Gold bricks. Use these the smart way, because otherwise they might get to waste. There are a few things you can spend your Gold Bricks on, so let me tell you a little bit about each of them:
– You can spend the Gold on spinning the Lucky Wheel (when you get to spin after reaching certain target money earnings from bidding in the Auctions)
– You can spend the Gold to try and search in the Dumpster (this is actually useful, as weird as it sounds)
– You can spend the Gold to go in the Rare Facility and find the Rare item guaranteed.
The first two options are not really good in my opinion, as they rely on RNG so it’s not like you get anything good guaranteed. If you spend the 20 Gold Bricks to open the Rare Facility it’s much more worth it because you get a Rare item guaranteed!
I also suggest that you don’t spend the Gold to reset the Lucky Wheel, because it’s not worth spending 4 Gold for a spin which is totally random. So please, don’t waste your Gold like that!
Tap on the balloon for a free Gold Brick!
Every now and then you will notice an air balloon floating around sporting something like a TV animation on it. I suggest that whenever you see this, you tap on it and watch a short advertisement so you can receive 1 Gold for free!
This is useful because you can do this several times and save the Gold so that you can open the Rare Facility every other day!

Go Dumpster Diving!
I might sound exciting about this, but for all the good reasons! In game, when you want to go Dumpster Diving you have a chance to get Rare items! Basically all you have to do is either watch a short ad to go Dumpster Diving for free, or pay 2 Gold Bricks.
I, of course, opt for the free option, since it’s much better to spend the Gold Bricks for the Rare Facility.
You can find the Dumpster Diving option in the bottom right corner of the screen, and there you can tap on the “FREE!” option to watch the ad and pick one of the 9 dumpsters. From these you can get power ups, rare items and various items which you can sell for money.
List your findings in the Shop
The good items that are worth quite a bit (which you find from the auction units) can be used to sell for much more than they are normally worth when you list them in your Shop. Select the items which are worth the most (over 100 preferably for starters) and list them in your Shop on the Shelf.
There, every now and then you will receive various offers for the item. These offers can give you various profits, or even losses! Make sure you don’t accept the losses, and rather wait for the most profitable offers, even if they are going to take a little while.
If you want to spend some Gold Bricks, you can choose to pay 1 Gold to see the next offer, but you can also just wait and get the new offer for free!
In the Pawn Shop is a whole different story!
In the Pawn Shop you will get mostly angry clients who are impatient and don’t really want to bargain too much (or better ones, if you are lucky). This is not super nice, and they will not accept if you offer them very low amounts of money.
However, if you get less angry customers, you can offer to buy their products for less money than they want, so it is super if that happens. For these customers, you can try to bargain a little, but be always careful not to go too far, else you will never make money from the Pawn Shop!
Check your Catalog
In the Catalog option you will have two main tabs, which you should check! The Common tab is very useful because you can check it often and make up an average amount of how much each unit will cost from just the looks of it.
In the Catalog you can also see the Rare items which you can find, and once you have completed a collection (up to 3 times) you will receive Gold Bricks!
Remember the prices!
Now that I have explained the Catalog, you will understand better what I mean here. Whenever you are right before an auction, you can tap on 2-3 items and check their average prices.
This is super useful because if for example a scarecrow will appear in multiple units, you will know that the scarecrow has the same price in every unit.
You will see multiple items that are repeating from one unit to another, so make sure you try and remember an average price for them, because that will help you better estimate how much you can (and should) pay for that unit.

Use the Power Ups if necessary!
If you are having a tough time dealing with the units or even with certain bidders, you can do a few things to help you win the game:
– Appraisal: shows you the value of the unit
– X-Ray: shows you through the objects to see what all the items are
– Kick Out: kicks out one of the bidders (better pick your toughest competitor)
I suggest that you use them only if you need to, because otherwise I don’t really see the need for it. Especially the X-Ray one, if you know the price for most of the items then you will not need it. The Kick Out option is the best one in my opinion, as you can use it to kick out the bidder who competes the most with you.
These would be all of our Bid Wars tips and tricks that we have for you right now! Do you know some more useful game tips and strategies? Leave them down in the comments below and share them with the rest of us!
Published: Aug 12, 2019 9:15 PM UTC