Are you a fan of Bloons TD 6? Then most likely, you have heard about the Tack Shooter. It is a Primary-class tower that shoots tacks out of its barrels in 8 directions per volley. We need to mention that the tower has short-range efficiency. Nevertheless, it is excellent in clearing out crowds of bloons as soon as they are placed somewhere around corners or intersections. One more perk is worth mentioning: it causes a high amount of DPS to MOAB-Class Bloons, to be specific, against the more enormous blimps when they eclipse the player’s view of the tower.
This guide will comprehensively cover the basic information about Bloons TD 6 Tack Shooter. Keep reading attentively to know everything you need and succeed while playing!
Everything You Need to Know About Bloons TD 6 Tack Shooter
So, in the 6-th iteration of Bloons TD, you will be able to face the Tack Shooter again. It will continue being a cheap area denial-focused tower.
The very 1-st path you will face will be a powerful offensive focus, gaining Hot Shots that let it pop Lead Bloons, the Ring of Fire to pop many people bloons at a time, and the mighty Inferno Ring.
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The 2-nd path is untouched. Nevertheless, it focuses on area support with conversion into a Blade Shooter.
The 3-rd one is totally focused on the enlargement of the number of tacks the Tack Shooter can output, where each tier multiplying tacks per shot and/or enlarges its fire rate.
Also, please check some useful data below:
To sum everything up, Tack Shooter is a Primary class tower. That is why it can get additional perks of Primary Training and subsequent upgrades. We hope this guide was helpful. Keep reading to be in the loop!
Published: Mar 21, 2022 10:40 AM UTC