Jurassic World: The Game is a simulation game that offers a myriad of unique dinosaurs that you can obtain and use in the game, including some of the most iconic ones like the T-Rex, Velociraptors, and others.
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Because of the big list of dinosaurs available in Jurassic World: The Game, players get easily overwhelmed, and they don’t even know if their favorite dinosaurs are present and obtainable in the game or not.
To help such players out, we prepared a handy guide that lists every dinosaur available in Jurassic World: The Game.
What Dinosaurs are in Jurassic World: The Game
Here is a complete list of dinosaurs in Jurassic World: The Game –
Dinosaurs | How to Get | Class | Rarity | Cost | |
Acanthostega | Completing Battle Stage 85 Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Amphibian | Legendary | 7,250 | |
Acrocanthosaurus | Available in the Acrocanthosaurus VIP Pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Aerotitan | Completing an Aerotitan Earth Shattering Event | Pterosaur | Super rare | 1,600 | |
Alangasaurus | Fuse a level 40 Alanqa with a level 40 Majuangasaurus | Hybrid carnivore | Common | 1,290 | |
Alanqa | Completing Battle Stage 2 | Pterosaur | Common | 120 | |
Albertosaurus | Win an Albertosaurus pack in the Albertosaurus Tournament | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,100 | |
Allosaurus | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Rare | 500 | |
Amargasaurus | Win an Amargasaurus pack in the Amargasaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,500 | |
Ankylodocus | Fuse a level 40 Ankylosaurus with a level 40 Diplodocus | Hybrid herbivore | Super rare | 10,920 | |
Ankylosaurus | Completing an Ankylosaurus Earth Shattering Event | Herbivore | Super rare | 1,200 | |
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Antarctopelta | Complete Battle Stage 99 | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Apatosaurus | Available in the Apatosaurus VIP Pack Available in the Solid Gold PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Argentinosaurus | Completing Battle Stage 4 | Herbivore | Common | 160 | |
Baryonyx | Available in the Baryonyx VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Bonitasaura | Completing a Bonitasaura Earth Shattering Event | Herbivore | Common | 150 | |
Brachiosaurus | Win a Brachiosaurus pack in the Brachiosaurus Tournament | Herbivore | Legendary | ||
Carnoraptor | Fuse a level 40 Carnotaurus with a level 40 Pyroraptor | Hybrid carnivore | Rare | 7,730 | |
Carnotaurus | Completing a Carnotaurus Earth Shattering Event | Carnivore | Rare | 730 | |
Ceratosaurus | Completing Battle Stage 75 Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 6,500 | |
Cerazinosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Ceratosaurus with a level 40 Therizinosaurus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 19,600 | |
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Coloborhynchus | Found in amber market | Pterosaur | Common | 140 | |
Concavenator | Available in the Concavenator VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Corythosaurus | Found in amber market | Herbivore | Rare | 630 | |
Darwinopterus | Win a Darwinopterus pack in the Darwinopterus Tournament or Clash of the Titans eventAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Pterosaur | Legendary | 7,500 | |
Deinocheirus | Completing Battle Stage 70 Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 5,500 | |
Deinonychus | Win a Deinonychus pack in the Deinonychus Tournament | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,100 | |
Deinosuchus | Win a Deinosuchus pack in the DeinosuchusTournament | Amphibian | |||
Dilophosaurus | Completing Battle Stage 15 | Carnivore | Rare | 690 | |
Dimetrodon | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Legendary | 3,610 | |
Dimorphodon | Completing a Dimorphodon Earth Shattering Event | Pterosaur | Legendary | 3,600 | |
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Diplocaulus | Completing Battle Stage 11 | Amphibian | Common | 190 | |
Diplodocus | Completing Battle Stage 20 | Herbivore | Rare | 750 | |
Diplosuchus | Fuse a level 40 Diplotator with 1,500 Sarcosuchus S-DNA | Superhybrid amphibian | Rare | 750 Sarcosuchus S-DNA | |
Diplotator | Fuse a level 40 Diplocaulus with a level 40 Irritator | Hybrid amphibian | Rare | 4,000 | |
Dracoceratops | Fuse a level 40 Triceratops Gen2 and a level 40 Dracorex | Hybrid herbivore | Legendary | 79,520 | |
Dracorex | Win a Dracorex pack in the Dracorex Tournament | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Dsungaripterus | Completing Battle Stage 27 | Pterosaur | Rare | 560 | |
Edmontosaurus | Win an Edmontosaurus pack in the Edmontosaurus Tournament | Herbivore | Legendary | 11,280 | |
Einiosaurus | Win an Einiosaurus pack in the Einiosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 6,760 | |
Eolambia | Available in the Eolambia VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
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Erlikosaurus | Win an Erlikosaurus pack in the Erlikosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Erliphosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Dilophosaurus with a level 40 Erlikosaurus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 43,070 | |
Eryops | Win an Eryops pack in the Eryops TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Amphibian | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Eudimorphodon | Available in the Eudimorphodon VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Pterosaur | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Euoplocephalus | Unknown | Herbivore | Super rare | 1,000 | |
Gallimimus | Completing a Gallimimus Earth Shattering Event | Herbivore | Rare | 580 | |
Gigankylocephalus | Fuse a level 40 Giganocephalus with 2,000 Ankylosaurus S-DNA | Superhybrid herbivore | Super rare | 1,000 Ankylosaurus S-DNA | |
Giganocephalus | Fuse a level 40 Giganotosaurus with a level 40 Euoplocephalus | Hybrid herbivore | Super rare | 8,490 | |
Giganotosaurus | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Rare | 520 | |
Gorgosaurus | Win a Gorgosaurus pack in the Gorgosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 6,000 | |
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Gorgosuchus | Fuse a level 40 Gorgosaurus with a level 40 Kaprosuchus | Hybrid amphibian | Legendary | 42,560 | |
Guanlong | Completing Battle Stage 7 | Carnivore | Common | 170 | |
Hatzegopteryx | Completing a Hatzegopteryx Earth Shattering Event | Pterosaur | Common | 200 | |
Ichthyostega | Completing Battle Stage 50 | Amphibian | Legendary | 3,330 | |
Iguanodon | Win an Iguanodon pack in the Iguanodon TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 6,000 | |
Indominus rex | Fuse a level 40 Tyrannosaurus rex with a level 40 Velociraptor | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 29,400 | |
Indominus rex Gen 2 | Fuse a level 40 Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 with a level 40 Velociraptor Gen 2 | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 29,400 | |
Indoraptor | Fuse a level 40 Indominus rex with 4,000 Velociraptor S-DNA | Superhybrid carnivore | Legendary | 2,000 Velociraptor S-DNA | |
Indoraptor Gen 2 | Fuse a level 40 Indominus rex Gen 2 with 4,000 Velociraptor S-DNA | Superhybrid carnivore | Legendary | 2,000 Velociraptor S-DNA | |
Irritator | Completing Battle Stage 18 | Carnivore | Rare | 530 | |
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Kaprosuchus | Completing a Kaprosuchus Earth Shattering Event | Amphibian | Super rare | 1,600 | |
Kaprosuchus Gen 2 | Win a Kaprosuchus Gen 2 pack in the Kaprosuchus Gen 2 Tournament | Amphibian | Legendary | ||
Kentrosaurus | Win a Kentrosaurus pack in the Kentrosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 6,000 | |
Koolasaurus | Fuse a level 40 Koolasuchus with a level 40 Sarcosuchus | Hybrid amphibian | Legendary | 20,500 | |
Koolasuchus | Completing Battle Stage 28 | Amphibian | Rare | 610 | |
Labyrinthodontia | Completing a Labyrinthodontia Earth Shattering Event | Amphibian | Common | 130 | |
Labyrinthosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Argentinosaurus with a Level 40 Labyrinthodontia | Hybrid herbivore | Common | 1,630 | |
Limnorhynchus | Fuse a level 40 Coloborhynchus with a level 40 Limnoscelis | Hybrid pterosaur | Common | 1,490 | |
Limnoscelis | Completing Battle Stage 3 | Amphibian | Common | 130 | |
Lythronax | Win a Lythronax pack in the Lythronax Tournament Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | TBA | |
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Majungasaurus | Completing Battle Stage 1 | Carnivore | Common | 110 | |
Mastodonsaurus | Available in the Mastodonsaurus VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Amphibian | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Megalosaurus | Win a Megalosaurus pack in the Megalosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Metoposaurus | Available in the Metoposaurus VIP exclusive PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheelAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP) | Amphibian | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Metriacanthosaurus | Win a Metriacanthosaurus pack in the Metriacanthosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,500 | |
Metrialong | Fuse a level 40 Guanlong with a level 40 Metriorhynchus | Hybrid carnivore | Super rare | 8,770 | |
Metriaphodon | Fuse a level 40 Dimorphodon with a level 40 Metriacanthosaurus | Hybrid pterosaur | Legendary | 62,160 | |
Metriorhynchus | Found in amber market | Amphibian | Super rare | 1,400 | |
Microposaurus | Completing a Microposaurus Earth Shattering Event | Amphibian | Legendary | 2,500 | |
Monolophosaurus | Completing a Monolophosaurus Earth Shattering Event | Carnivore | Rare | 850 | |
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Monostegotops | Fuse a level 40 Stegoceratops with 2,000 Monolophosaurus S-DNA | Superhybrid herbivore | Legendary | 1,000 Monolophosaurus S-DNA | |
Nasutoceratops | Found in amber market | Herbivore | Rare | 550 | |
Nodosaurus | Win a Nodosaurus Pack in the Nodosaurus Tournament Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,250 | |
Nundagosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Nundasuchus with a level 40 Tuojiangosaurus | Hybrid amphibian | Rare | 4,600 | |
Nundasuchus | Completing Battle Stage 17 | Amphibian | Rare | 700 | |
Ophiacodon | Completing Battle Stage 23 | Carnivore | Rare | 780 | |
Ostafrikasaurus | Completing an Ostafrikasaurus Earth Shattering Event | Carnivore | Legendary | 3,190 | |
Ostaposaurus | Fuse a level 40 Microposaurus with a level 40 Ostafrikasaurus | Hybrid amphibian | Legendary | 31,870 | |
Pachycephalosaurus | Completing Battle Stage 21 | Herbivore | Rare | 590 | |
Pachyceratops | Fuse a level 40 Nasutoceratops with a level 40 Pachycephalosaurus | Hybrid herbivore | Rare | 6,360 | |
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Pachygalosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Megalosaurus with a level 40 Pachyrhinosaurus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 77,000 | |
Pachyrhinosaurus | Win a Pachyrhinosaurus pack in the Pachyrhinosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 6,750 | |
Parasaura | Fuse a level 40 Bonitasaura with a level 40 Parasaurolophus | Hybrid herbivore | Super rare | 7,550 | |
Parasaurolophus | Found in amber market | Herbivore | Super rare | 1,200 | |
Parasaurolophus Gen 2 | Win a Parasaurolophus Gen 2 pack in the Parasaurolophus Gen 2 TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | |Legendary | 7,500 | |
Pelecanimimus | Found in amber market | Herbivore | Common | 170 | |
Pelecanipteryx | Fuse a level 40 Hatzegopteryx with a level 40 Pelecanimimus | Hybrid pterosaur | Common | 2,030 | |
Postosuchus | Completing Battle Stage 34 | Amphibian | Super rare | 1,650 | |
Prestosuchus | Available in the Prestosuchus VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Amphibian | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Prionosuchus | Found in amber market | Amphibian | Legendary | 3,470 | |
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Priotrodon | Fuse a level 40 Dimetrodon with a level 40 Prionosuchus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 39,650 | |
Proceratosaurus | Available in the Proceratosaurus VIP exclusive Pack Win a Proceratosaurus VIP exclusive Pack in the Proceratosaurus VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP) | Carnivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Proterogyrinus | Win a Proterogyrinus pack in the Proterogyrinus Tournament | Amphibian | Legendary | 7,350 | |
Pteranodon | Completing Battle Stage 52 | Pterosaur | Legendary | 2,910 | |
Pteraquetzal | Fuse a Level 40 Pteranodon Gen 2 and a Level 40 Quetzalcoatlus | Hybrid Pterosaur | Legendary | ||
Pterodactylus | Available in the Pterodactylus VIP Pack Available in the Solid Gold PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Pterosaur | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Pterodaustro | Available in the Pterodaustro VIP exclusive PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel Win a Pterodaustro VIP exclusive Pack in the Pterodaustro VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP) | Pterosaur | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Pyroraptor | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Rare | 650 | |
Quetzalcoatlus | Completing a Quetzalcoatlus Earth Shattering Event | Pterosaur | Super rare | 1,350 | |
Rajasaurus | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Super rare | 1,300 | |
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Rajastega | Fuse a level 40 Ichthyostega with a level 40 Rajasaurus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 25,930 | |
Rhamphorhynchus | Completing a Rhamphorhynchus Earth Shattering Event | Pterosaur | Rare | 750 | |
Sarcosuchus | Found in amber market | Amphibian | Legendary | 3,050 | |
Scaphognathus | Found in amber market | Pterosaur | Legendary | 3,700 | |
Secodontosaurus | Win a Secodontosaurus pack in the Secodontosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,250 | |
Segnosaurus | Win a Segnosaurus pack in the Segnosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,500 | |
Segnosuchus | Fuse a level 40 Postosuchus with a level 40 Segnosaurus | Hybrid herbivore | Legendary | 51,240 | |
Shunosaurus | Win a Shunosaurus pack in the Shunosaurus Tournament (Bracketed) | Herbivore | Legendary | 3,100 | |
Sphenacodon | Win a Sphenacodon pack in the Sphenacodon Tournament | Carnivore | Legendary | ||
Spinoraptor | Fuse a level 40 Spinosaurus with a level 40 Utahraptor | Hybrid carnivore | Super rare | 9,520 | |
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Spinosaurus | Completing a Spinosaurus Earth Shattering Event | Carnivore | Super rare | 1,500 | |
Spinosaurus Gen 2 | Win a Spinosaurus Gen 2 pack in the Spinosaurus Gen 2 Tournament | Carnivore | Legendary | ||
Spinotasuchus | Fuse a level 40 Spinoraptor with 2,000 Kaprosuchus S-DNA | Superhybrid Carnivore | Super rare | 1,000 Kaprosuchus S-DNA | |
Stegoceratops | Fuse a level 40 Stegosaurus with a level 40 Triceratops | Hybrid herbivore | Super rare | 8,960 | |
Stegosaurus | Completing Battle Stage 46 | Herbivore | Super rare | 1,500 | |
Stygimoloch | Available in the Stygimoloch VIP exclusive Pack Win the Twin Stygimoloch VIP exclusive Pack in the Stygimoloch VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP) | Herbivore | Legendary | Loyalty Points only | |
Suchomimus | Unknown | Carnivore | Legendary | 2,630 | |
Suchoripterus | Fuse a level 40 Dsungaripterus with a level 40 Suchomimus | Hybrid pterosaur | Legendary | 17,900 | |
Supersaurus | Win a Supersaurus pack in the Supersaurus Tournament (Bracketed) | Herbivore | Super rare | 1,400 | |
Suprannotitan | Fuse a level 40 Supersaurus with a level 40 Tyrannotitan | Hybrid carnivore | Super rare | 11,820 | |
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Tanycolagreus | Available in the Tanycolagreus VIP pack Available in the Solid Gold packAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Tapejalocephalus | Fuse a level 40 Tapejalosaurus with 2,000 Euoplocephalus S-DNA | Superhybrid pterosaur | Rare | 1,000 Euoplocephalus S-DNA | |
Tapejalosaurus | Fuse a level 40 Monolophosaurus with a level 40 Tapejara | Hybrid pterosaur | Rare | 8,520 | |
Tapejara | Completing Battle Stage 25 | Pterosaur | Rare | 670 | |
Therizinosaurus | Completing a Therizinosaurus Earth Shattering Event | Herbivore | Legendary | 3,500 | |
Triceratops | Automatically unlocked | Herbivore | Common | 100 | |
Triceratops Gen 2 | Completing a Triceratops Gen 2 Event | Herbivore | Legendary | 3,750 | |
Troodon | Win a Troodon pack in the Troodon Tournament or Clash of the Titans eventAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 7,500 | |
Tropeognathus | Completing Battle Stage 9 | Pterosaur | Common | 180 | |
Tropeogopterus | Fuse a level 40 Tropeognathus with a level 40 Zhejiangopterus | Hybrid pterosaur | Super rare | 7,130 | |
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Tuojiangosaurus | Unknown | Herbivore | Common | 130 | |
Tupuxuara | Win a Tupuxuara pack in the Tupuxuara Tournament | Pterosaur | Legendary | TBA | |
Tyrannosaurus rex | Completing Battle Stage 54 | Carnivore | Legendary | 3,750 | |
Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 | Completing a Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 Gen 2 Fury Event | Carnivore | Legendary | 3,750 | |
Tyrannotitan | Found in amber market | Carnivore | Rare | 710 | |
Unayrhynchus | Fuse a level 40 Rhamphorhynchus with a level 40 Unaysaurus | Hybrid herbivore | Legendary | 19,720 | |
Unaysaurus | Completing Battle Stage 56 | Herbivore | Legendary | 2,770 | |
Utahraptor | Completing a Utahraptor Earth Shattering Event | Carnivore | Common | 200 | |
Velociraptor | Completing Battle Stage 38 | Carnivore | Super rare | 1,500 | |
Velociraptor Gen 2 | Completing a Velociraptor Gen 2 Gen 2 Fury Event | Carnivore | Super rare | 1,500 | |
Wuerhosaurus | Available in the Wuerhosaurus VIP Pack Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel Available in the Solid Gold Pack | Herbivore | Legendary (VIP) | VIP exclusive | |
Yudon | Fuse a level 40 Troodon with a level 40 Yutyrannus | Hybrid carnivore | Legendary | 78,400 | |
Yutyrannus | Complete Battle Stage 87Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel | Carnivore | Legendary | 6,500 | |
Zalmonodon | Fuse a Level 40 Zalmoxes and a Level 40 Pteranodon | Hybrid Pterosaur | Legendary | ||
Zalmoxes | Win a Zalmoxes pack in the Zalmoxes Tournament Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCompleting Battle Stage 80 | Herbivore | Legendary | 7,000 | |
Zhejiangopterus | Completing Battle Stage 31 | Pterosaur | Super rare | 1,100 |
Jurassic World: The Game is currently available on Android and iOS platforms.
Published: Mar 11, 2022 5:51 AM UTC