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What Characters are in Jurassic World: The Game

What Dinosaurs are in Jurassic World: The Game

Jurassic World: The Game is a simulation game that offers a myriad of unique dinosaurs that you can obtain and use in the game, including some of the most iconic ones like the T-Rex, Velociraptors, and others. 

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Related | What Characters are in Jurassic World: The Game

Because of the big list of dinosaurs available in Jurassic World: The Game, players get easily overwhelmed, and they don’t even know if their favorite dinosaurs are present and obtainable in the game or not.  

To help such players out, we prepared a handy guide that lists every dinosaur available in Jurassic World: The Game.

What Dinosaurs are in Jurassic World: The Game

Here is a complete list of dinosaurs in Jurassic World: The Game –

Dinosaurs How to GetClassRarityCost
AcanthostegaCompleting Battle Stage 85
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Amphibian Legendary7,250
AcrocanthosaurusAvailable in the Acrocanthosaurus VIP Pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
AerotitanCompleting an Aerotitan Earth Shattering EventPterosaur Super rare1,600
AlangasaurusFuse a level 40 Alanqa with a level 40 MajuangasaurusHybrid carnivore Common1,290
AlanqaCompleting Battle Stage 2Pterosaur Common120
AlbertosaurusWin an Albertosaurus pack in the Albertosaurus TournamentCarnivore Legendary7,100
AllosaurusFound in amber marketCarnivore Rare500
AmargasaurusWin an Amargasaurus pack in the Amargasaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packsHerbivore Legendary7,500
AnkylodocusFuse a level 40 Ankylosaurus with a level 40 DiplodocusHybrid herbivore Super rare10,920
AnkylosaurusCompleting an Ankylosaurus Earth Shattering EventHerbivore Super rare1,200
AntarctopeltaComplete Battle Stage 99Herbivore Legendary7,000
ApatosaurusAvailable in the Apatosaurus VIP Pack
Available in the Solid Gold PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Herbivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
ArgentinosaurusCompleting Battle Stage 4Herbivore Common160
BaryonyxAvailable in the Baryonyx VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
BonitasauraCompleting a Bonitasaura Earth Shattering EventHerbivore Common150
BrachiosaurusWin a Brachiosaurus pack in the Brachiosaurus TournamentHerbivore Legendary
CarnoraptorFuse a level 40 Carnotaurus with a level 40 PyroraptorHybrid carnivore Rare7,730
CarnotaurusCompleting a Carnotaurus Earth Shattering EventCarnivore Rare730
CeratosaurusCompleting Battle Stage 75
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore Legendary6,500
CerazinosaurusFuse a level 40 Ceratosaurus with a level 40 TherizinosaurusHybrid carnivore Legendary19,600
ColoborhynchusFound in amber marketPterosaur Common140
ConcavenatorAvailable in the Concavenator VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
CorythosaurusFound in amber marketHerbivore Rare630
DarwinopterusWin a Darwinopterus pack in the Darwinopterus Tournament or Clash of the Titans eventAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelPterosaur Legendary7,500
DeinocheirusCompleting Battle Stage 70
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Herbivore Legendary5,500
DeinonychusWin a Deinonychus pack in the Deinonychus TournamentCarnivore Legendary7,100
DeinosuchusWin a Deinosuchus pack in the DeinosuchusTournamentAmphibian 
DilophosaurusCompleting Battle Stage 15Carnivore Rare690
DimetrodonFound in amber marketCarnivore Legendary3,610
DimorphodonCompleting a Dimorphodon Earth Shattering EventPterosaur Legendary3,600
DiplocaulusCompleting Battle Stage 11Amphibian Common190
DiplodocusCompleting Battle Stage 20Herbivore Rare750
DiplosuchusFuse a level 40 Diplotator with 1,500 Sarcosuchus S-DNASuperhybrid amphibian Rare750 Sarcosuchus S-DNA
DiplotatorFuse a level 40 Diplocaulus with a level 40 IrritatorHybrid amphibian Rare4,000
DracoceratopsFuse a level 40 Triceratops Gen2 and a level 40 DracorexHybrid herbivoreLegendary79,520
DracorexWin a Dracorex pack in the Dracorex TournamentHerbivore Legendary7,000
DsungaripterusCompleting Battle Stage 27Pterosaur Rare560
EdmontosaurusWin an Edmontosaurus pack in the Edmontosaurus TournamentHerbivore Legendary11,280
EiniosaurusWin an Einiosaurus pack in the Einiosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary6,760
EolambiaAvailable in the Eolambia VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Herbivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
ErlikosaurusWin an Erlikosaurus pack in the Erlikosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary7,000
ErliphosaurusFuse a level 40 Dilophosaurus with a level 40 ErlikosaurusHybrid carnivore Legendary43,070
EryopsWin an Eryops pack in the Eryops TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelAmphibian Legendary7,000
EudimorphodonAvailable in the Eudimorphodon VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Pterosaur Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
EuoplocephalusUnknownHerbivore Super rare1,000
GallimimusCompleting a Gallimimus Earth Shattering EventHerbivore Rare580
GigankylocephalusFuse a level 40 Giganocephalus with 2,000 Ankylosaurus S-DNASuperhybrid herbivore Super rare1,000 Ankylosaurus S-DNA
GiganocephalusFuse a level 40 Giganotosaurus with a level 40 EuoplocephalusHybrid herbivore Super rare8,490
GiganotosaurusFound in amber marketCarnivore Rare520
GorgosaurusWin a Gorgosaurus pack in the Gorgosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary6,000
GorgosuchusFuse a level 40 Gorgosaurus with a level 40 KaprosuchusHybrid amphibian Legendary42,560
GuanlongCompleting Battle Stage 7Carnivore Common170
HatzegopteryxCompleting a Hatzegopteryx Earth Shattering EventPterosaur Common200
IchthyostegaCompleting Battle Stage 50Amphibian Legendary3,330
IguanodonWin an Iguanodon pack in the Iguanodon TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary6,000
Indominus rexFuse a level 40 Tyrannosaurus rex with a level 40 VelociraptorHybrid carnivore Legendary29,400
Indominus rex Gen 2Fuse a level 40 Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 with a level 40 Velociraptor Gen 2Hybrid carnivore Legendary29,400
IndoraptorFuse a level 40 Indominus rex with 4,000 Velociraptor S-DNASuperhybrid carnivore Legendary2,000 Velociraptor S-DNA
Indoraptor Gen 2Fuse a level 40 Indominus rex Gen 2 with 4,000 Velociraptor S-DNASuperhybrid carnivore Legendary2,000 Velociraptor S-DNA
IrritatorCompleting Battle Stage 18Carnivore Rare530
KaprosuchusCompleting a Kaprosuchus Earth Shattering EventAmphibian Super rare1,600
Kaprosuchus Gen 2Win a Kaprosuchus Gen 2 pack in the Kaprosuchus Gen 2 TournamentAmphibian Legendary
KentrosaurusWin a Kentrosaurus pack in the Kentrosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary6,000
KoolasaurusFuse a level 40 Koolasuchus with a level 40 SarcosuchusHybrid amphibian Legendary20,500
KoolasuchusCompleting Battle Stage 28Amphibian Rare610
LabyrinthodontiaCompleting a Labyrinthodontia Earth Shattering EventAmphibian Common130
LabyrinthosaurusFuse a level 40 Argentinosaurus with a Level 40 LabyrinthodontiaHybrid herbivore Common1,630
LimnorhynchusFuse a level 40 Coloborhynchus with a level 40 LimnoscelisHybrid pterosaur Common1,490
LimnoscelisCompleting Battle Stage 3Amphibian Common130
LythronaxWin a Lythronax pack in the Lythronax Tournament
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore LegendaryTBA
MajungasaurusCompleting Battle Stage 1Carnivore Common110
MastodonsaurusAvailable in the Mastodonsaurus VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Amphibian Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
MegalosaurusWin a Megalosaurus pack in the Megalosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary7,000
MetoposaurusAvailable in the Metoposaurus VIP exclusive PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheelAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP)Amphibian Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
MetriacanthosaurusWin a Metriacanthosaurus pack in the Metriacanthosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary7,500
MetrialongFuse a level 40 Guanlong with a level 40 MetriorhynchusHybrid carnivore Super rare8,770
MetriaphodonFuse a level 40 Dimorphodon with a level 40 MetriacanthosaurusHybrid pterosaur Legendary62,160
MetriorhynchusFound in amber marketAmphibian Super rare1,400
MicroposaurusCompleting a Microposaurus Earth Shattering EventAmphibian Legendary2,500
MonolophosaurusCompleting a Monolophosaurus Earth Shattering EventCarnivore Rare850
MonostegotopsFuse a level 40 Stegoceratops with 2,000 Monolophosaurus S-DNASuperhybrid herbivore Legendary1,000 Monolophosaurus S-DNA
NasutoceratopsFound in amber marketHerbivore Rare550
NodosaurusWin a Nodosaurus Pack in the Nodosaurus Tournament
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Herbivore Legendary7,250
NundagosaurusFuse a level 40 Nundasuchus with a level 40 TuojiangosaurusHybrid amphibian Rare4,600
NundasuchusCompleting Battle Stage 17Amphibian Rare700
OphiacodonCompleting Battle Stage 23Carnivore Rare780
OstafrikasaurusCompleting an Ostafrikasaurus Earth Shattering EventCarnivore Legendary3,190
OstaposaurusFuse a level 40 Microposaurus with a level 40 OstafrikasaurusHybrid amphibian Legendary31,870
PachycephalosaurusCompleting Battle Stage 21Herbivore Rare590
PachyceratopsFuse a level 40 Nasutoceratops with a level 40 PachycephalosaurusHybrid herbivore Rare6,360
PachygalosaurusFuse a level 40 Megalosaurus with a level 40 PachyrhinosaurusHybrid carnivore Legendary77,000
PachyrhinosaurusWin a Pachyrhinosaurus pack in the Pachyrhinosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary6,750
ParasauraFuse a level 40 Bonitasaura with a level 40 ParasaurolophusHybrid herbivore Super rare7,550
ParasaurolophusFound in amber marketHerbivore Super rare1,200
Parasaurolophus Gen 2Win a Parasaurolophus Gen 2 pack in the Parasaurolophus Gen 2 TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore |Legendary7,500
PelecanimimusFound in amber marketHerbivore Common170
PelecanipteryxFuse a level 40 Hatzegopteryx with a level 40 PelecanimimusHybrid pterosaur Common2,030
PostosuchusCompleting Battle Stage 34Amphibian Super rare1,650
PrestosuchusAvailable in the Prestosuchus VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Amphibian Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
PrionosuchusFound in amber marketAmphibian Legendary3,470
PriotrodonFuse a level 40 Dimetrodon with a level 40 PrionosuchusHybrid carnivore Legendary39,650
ProceratosaurusAvailable in the Proceratosaurus VIP exclusive Pack
Win a Proceratosaurus VIP exclusive Pack in the Proceratosaurus VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP)
Carnivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
ProterogyrinusWin a Proterogyrinus pack in the Proterogyrinus TournamentAmphibian Legendary7,350
PteranodonCompleting Battle Stage 52Pterosaur Legendary2,910
PteraquetzalFuse a Level 40 Pteranodon Gen 2 and a Level 40 QuetzalcoatlusHybrid Pterosaur Legendary
PterodactylusAvailable in the Pterodactylus VIP Pack
Available in the Solid Gold PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Pterosaur Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
PterodaustroAvailable in the Pterodaustro VIP exclusive PackAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Win a Pterodaustro VIP exclusive Pack in the Pterodaustro VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP)
Pterosaur Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
PyroraptorFound in amber marketCarnivore Rare650
QuetzalcoatlusCompleting a Quetzalcoatlus Earth Shattering EventPterosaur Super rare1,350
RajasaurusFound in amber marketCarnivore Super rare1,300
RajastegaFuse a level 40 Ichthyostega with a level 40 RajasaurusHybrid carnivore Legendary25,930
RhamphorhynchusCompleting a Rhamphorhynchus Earth Shattering EventPterosaur Rare750
SarcosuchusFound in amber marketAmphibian Legendary3,050
ScaphognathusFound in amber marketPterosaur Legendary3,700
SecodontosaurusWin a Secodontosaurus pack in the Secodontosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary7,250
SegnosaurusWin a Segnosaurus pack in the Segnosaurus TournamentAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelHerbivore Legendary7,500
SegnosuchusFuse a level 40 Postosuchus with a level 40 SegnosaurusHybrid herbivore Legendary51,240
ShunosaurusWin a Shunosaurus pack in the Shunosaurus Tournament (Bracketed)Herbivore Legendary3,100
SphenacodonWin a Sphenacodon pack in the Sphenacodon TournamentCarnivore Legendary
SpinoraptorFuse a level 40 Spinosaurus with a level 40 UtahraptorHybrid carnivore Super rare9,520
SpinosaurusCompleting a Spinosaurus Earth Shattering EventCarnivore Super rare1,500
Spinosaurus Gen 2Win a Spinosaurus Gen 2 pack in the Spinosaurus Gen 2 TournamentCarnivore Legendary
SpinotasuchusFuse a level 40 Spinoraptor with 2,000 Kaprosuchus S-DNASuperhybrid Carnivore Super rare1,000 Kaprosuchus S-DNA
StegoceratopsFuse a level 40 Stegosaurus with a level 40 TriceratopsHybrid herbivore Super rare8,960
StegosaurusCompleting Battle Stage 46Herbivore Super rare1,500
StygimolochAvailable in the Stygimoloch VIP exclusive Pack
Win the Twin Stygimoloch VIP exclusive Pack in the Stygimoloch VIP TournamentAvailable in the Solid Gold Plus Pack (VIP)
Herbivore LegendaryLoyalty Points only
SuchomimusUnknownCarnivore Legendary2,630
SuchoripterusFuse a level 40 Dsungaripterus with a level 40 SuchomimusHybrid pterosaur Legendary17,900
SupersaurusWin a Supersaurus pack in the Supersaurus Tournament (Bracketed)Herbivore Super rare1,400
SuprannotitanFuse a level 40 Supersaurus with a level 40 TyrannotitanHybrid carnivore Super rare11,820
TanycolagreusAvailable in the Tanycolagreus VIP pack
Available in the Solid Gold packAvailable in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Carnivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
TapejalocephalusFuse a level 40 Tapejalosaurus with 2,000 Euoplocephalus S-DNASuperhybrid pterosaur Rare1,000 Euoplocephalus S-DNA
TapejalosaurusFuse a level 40 Monolophosaurus with a level 40 TapejaraHybrid pterosaur Rare8,520
TapejaraCompleting Battle Stage 25Pterosaur Rare670
TherizinosaurusCompleting a Therizinosaurus Earth Shattering EventHerbivore Legendary3,500
TriceratopsAutomatically unlockedHerbivore Common100
Triceratops Gen 2Completing a Triceratops Gen 2 EventHerbivore Legendary3,750
TroodonWin a Troodon pack in the Troodon Tournament or Clash of the Titans eventAvailable in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary7,500
TropeognathusCompleting Battle Stage 9Pterosaur Common180
TropeogopterusFuse a level 40 Tropeognathus with a level 40 ZhejiangopterusHybrid pterosaur Super rare7,130
TuojiangosaurusUnknownHerbivore Common130
TupuxuaraWin a Tupuxuara pack in the Tupuxuara TournamentPterosaur LegendaryTBA
Tyrannosaurus rexCompleting Battle Stage 54Carnivore Legendary3,750
Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2Completing a Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2 Gen 2 Fury EventCarnivore Legendary3,750
TyrannotitanFound in amber marketCarnivore Rare710
UnayrhynchusFuse a level 40 Rhamphorhynchus with a level 40 UnaysaurusHybrid herbivore Legendary19,720
UnaysaurusCompleting Battle Stage 56Herbivore Legendary2,770
UtahraptorCompleting a Utahraptor Earth Shattering EventCarnivore Common200
VelociraptorCompleting Battle Stage 38Carnivore Super rare1,500
Velociraptor Gen 2Completing a Velociraptor Gen 2 Gen 2 Fury EventCarnivore Super rare1,500
WuerhosaurusAvailable in the Wuerhosaurus VIP Pack
Available in the Diamond Fidelity Prize packs and wheel
Available in the Solid Gold Pack
Herbivore Legendary (VIP)VIP exclusive
YudonFuse a level 40 Troodon with a level 40 YutyrannusHybrid carnivore Legendary78,400
YutyrannusComplete Battle Stage 87Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCarnivore Legendary6,500
ZalmonodonFuse a Level 40 Zalmoxes and a Level 40 PteranodonHybrid Pterosaur Legendary
ZalmoxesWin a Zalmoxes pack in the Zalmoxes Tournament
Available in the Gold Fidelity Prize packs and wheelCompleting Battle Stage 80
Herbivore Legendary7,000
ZhejiangopterusCompleting Battle Stage 31Pterosaur Super rare1,100
Table Via Fandom


Jurassic World: The Game is currently available on Android and iOS platforms. 

Image of Hritwik Raj
Hritwik Raj
Hritwik is a guides writer who has been writing about video games for almost a decade. He is a Computer Science graduate who has always been into gaming. Most of the time, you will find him covering News and Guides for various publications. And when he is not working, you will find him fighting with his friends about how good of a gamer he is. His favorite games include Fallout 76, Borderlands 2, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Destiny 2, Souls series, Genshin Impact, and The Last of Us.