The land of the monsters is under the threat of invasion! A massive robot force full of high-tech, futuristic steel beasts are invading the monster homeland, and it is up to you to help out the United Monsters Alliance defense force to ward off the robots!
Idle Monster TD is a tower defense game full of awesome pixel art monsters and robots. In a slight twist, your enemies are not the monsters – they are your allies! Command a variety of monsters, each with their own strengths and powers.
Your objective for each level is to defend a tactical position from the enemy. As you fight against the robot menace, you will earn resources that you can use to further power up your monsters.
Each monster belongs to a certain family, and if you give them enough resources they can evolve and gain exponentially stronger. Discover all sorts of new and awesome looking monsters by training and evolving!
And of course, the game has an idle component so your monsters will continue to fight for you even when you are away from the game. Whenever your ready, your monsters will be waiting for you to take command.
Idle Monster TD is available now on the App Store and Google Play Store.
(This news article was first published on Touch Tap Play)
Published: Aug 12, 2020 12:44 am