Sega’s mobile game based on the manga with the same name, Fist of the North Star, challenges us to unlock no less than 28 characters (or fighters, as they are called in the game) from the series.
And in today’s article, I am going to share with you a complete list of all the characters in the game, as well as details on how to unlock them. And even though we’re not ranking them at the moment (still need time for that), having an overview of these cool fighters definitely helps.
I also shared my thoughts about rerolling in FotNS – make sure to check that article out as well. And now, let’s see below the list of characters / fighters in Fist of the North Star: Legends ReVIVE:
(Note: I am listing them based on their tier quality, starting with the N characters and moving up. Exception are the first three characters you get when starting the game. I am also planning an edit of the article with more detailed hero unlock methods, such as quest rewards, VIP refills and such)
Rarity: SR
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Starting game character
Stone Mountain Splitting Slash: Increased damage & reduce enemy defense by 30% for 2 turns
Hokuto Hundred Blows Rushing Fist: Deal set damage multiple times, increase own Attack by 10% for 2 turns and deal 50% damage to enemies in the back row
Attack Superboost (passive): Increase Attack
Dragon Form Breathing Technique (passive): Increase attack of all allies during battle.
Rarity: N
Type: Support
How to unlock: Unlocks during the tutorial phase
Wait for me: Deals damage multiple times, plus 15% chance to stun for 1 turn
I’ve got this: Deals more damage multiple times, plus 30% chance to inflict stun and if enemy fighter is R or lower, they get their Attack reduced by 15%
Attack superboost: Gets a minor attack boost (passive)
Bat’s Wisdom: Reduce defense of all enemies during battle (passive)
Rarity: N
Type: Tank
How to unlock: During the tutorial
You couldn’t even kill a fly: Deals damage multiple times, increases own Defense for 2 turns
Zeed Attacks: Deals damage multiple times, increased Guard Rate by 30% for 2 turns.
HP Superboost: Increases own health (passive)
Zeed Boss: Increases own defense during battle
Rarity: N
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha draws or Chapter 5: GOLAN for shards
I’m going to fight too: Deals damage multiple times, and increases Attack of specific fighters by 20% for 2 turns
You Must Never Give Up: Restores health for of the ally with lowest health and increases defense by 20% for 2 turns
HP Superboost: Boosts own HP
Determined Look: Increases Defense of front row allies
Rarity: R
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha draw, Chapter 7: The Fang Clan, Chapter 9: Amiba
Beast fang: Attack multiple times, increases own attack by 15% for 2 turns and deals additional 20% damage to Tech Type enemies (Support)
Gwah: Deals damage even more times, inflicting bleed damage for 2 turns
Attack superboost: Increases own attack
Murderous Instinct: Increases damage dealt to Tech opponents by all allies during battle.
Rarity: R
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha pull, Chapter 6: Jackal, Chapter 9: Amiba
Gonna Have a Blast Together: Deals damage multiple times and reduces target’s Critical rate by 20% for 2 turns.
Choto Chihaiken: Deals more damage multiple times, reduces target’s recovery by 80% for 2 turns and deals 20% splash damage to enemies around the target.
Attack Superboost: Gets a boost of own attack
Play Dead: Chance to revive once during battle with 50% of max HP and 50% of the Chi he had at the time of death
Rarity: R
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha Draw, Chapter 3: KING pt 2, Chapter 8: Jagi
How do you like my skills with a staff: Damage multiple times, 15% chance for Stunning the target and 30% splash damage to enemies on either side of the traget.
You’re not on my level: Damage multiple times to front row enemies, plus 10% chance to stun them for 1 turn
Attack Superboost: Increase own attack
Ruthless Executioner: Increases own HP during battle
Rarity: R
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 10: Cassandra
Germinate Wind Fist: Damage multiple times, damage increases 20% if the target’s HP is below 50% and inflicts 15% attack reduction to Life Type enemies.
Fujin-ken: Massive damage multiple times. Can turn into Nishin Furaiken, damages enemy with lowest total HP and damage increases 15% if target’s HP is under 50%
Attack Superboost: Increases own attack
Two As One (Fuga): Increases Defesnse of back row allies. Increases his and Raiga’s Attack
Rarity: R
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 3: KING Part 2, Chapter 7: The Fang Clan
You worthless cattle: Damage multiple times, reduces target’s recovery by 90% for 2 turns
I’ll turn you into mince: More damage multiple times to multiple enemies in the front row. Increases own Critical rate by 30% for 2 turns
Attack superboost: Boosts own attack
Fearless Chuckle: Increases own damage absorption
Rarity: R
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha pull, Chapter 2: KING Pt 1, Chapter 6: Jackal
Fools deserve to die: Damage multiple times, increases damage reduction by 20% for 2 turns
I’ll splatter your brains: More damage multiple times, dealing damage in a straight line. Reduces target’s Attack by 15% for 2 turns
HP Superboost: Increases own health
Eye Patch Madman: Increases own defense during battle
Mad Sarge
Rarity: R
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 5: GOLAN, Chapter 8: Jagi
Vampiric Needle Knife: Damage multiple times, recovers 10% of Max health
I’ll Stab You: More damage multiple times, Deals a final jab equal to 15% of HP lost during the attacks
HP Superboost: Increases own HP
The Commando Way: Increases own defense
Rarity: R
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 10: Cassandra
Germinate Thunder Fist: Attack multiple times, damage increases 20% if target’s HP is under 50%, plus 15% Defense reduction to Life Type enemies
Raijin-ken: Deal more damage multiple times, and can turn into Nishin Furaiken. Damages the enemy with the highest total HP and damage increases 15% if the target’s HP is over 50%
Attack superboost: Increases own attack
Two as one (Raiga): Increases defense of back row allies. Increases own and Fuga’s Attack
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 6: Jackal, Chapter 11: Ken-oh’s Invasion Force
You coward: Damage multiple times, reduces target’s Chi by 300
Rise, Devil Incarnate: More damage multiple times. Releases Devil Rebirth. Reduces target’s defense by 10% for 2 turns and 30% chance to stun
Attack superboost: Increases own attack
Dirty Tactics: Increases own Damage reflection
Rarity: SR
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Chapter 4: King Pt. 3, Chapter 9: Amiba, Gacha
You trash: Damage dealer multiple times, and damage increases the lower his own HP, plus 15% chance to stun for 1 turn
It hurts: Deal damage multiple times to all enemies, 13% chance to stun them for 1 turn.
HP Superboost: Increases own HP
Meatshield: Has a 20% chance to reduce damage received during battle. This increases by up to 50% as his health gets lower.
Fang Clan Chieftan
Rarity: SR
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 7: The Fang Clan, Chapter 11: Ken-oh’s Invasion Force
Huashan Horn Wrestling has made me strong: Deal damage multiple times, increases own Crit, Increase Damage dealt by 30% for 2 turns and 30% chance to stun enemy for 1 turn
Kazan Gunroken: Deal damage multiple times to front row enemies. Increase own Critical rate by 30% for 2 turns, Increase Fang Clan fighters Critical rate by 20% for 2 turns and 10% to stun enemies.
HP Superboost: Increase own HP
Fang Clan Boss: Increase own damage reduction during battle
Rarity: SR
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 10: Cassandra
Taizan-ryu Twin Whiplash: Deal damage multiple times, increases own defense by 20% for 2 turns
Way of the Mongolian Conqueror: Deals more damage multiple times to 3 random enemies. Deals more damage (max 30%) the lower his HP, plus deals additional damage (max 20% of own Defense) to all enemies hit.
HP Superboost: Increase own HP
Living Legend of Cassandra: Increases defense of front row allies, increases own damage against Power Type opponents
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 8: Jagi
Say my name: Deal damage multiple times, 20% chance to inflict Silence for 2 turns
Hokuto Arhat Strike: Deal massive damage multiple times, plus 20% chance for either of: reduce target’s attack by 20% for 2 turns, reduce recovery by 50% or Silence for 2 turns
Attack Superboost: Increase own attack
You saw me, huh: Reduces attack power of all enemies
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha
Nanto Spirit Barrier Wave: Deal damage multiple times, recover health (based on Attack Power). Also inflict Bleed for 2 turns.
Self-Sacrifice Fist of Mutual Destruction: Deals massive damage multiple times to enemy in the back row with lowest HP. Increases own Damage reduction by 10% for 2 turns.
Attack Superboost: Increases own attack
Born Under the Star of Righteousness: Boosts own attack
Rarity: SR
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha
Hokuto Spinning Fist: Deals damage multiple times in a straight line, plus reduces Chi of front line enemies by 200 and reduces Critical rate of Back Row enemies by 20% for 2 turns. If own health is under 50%, recover 10% of max HP.
Big Dipper Obliteration: Deal massive damage multiple times, sacrifice 20% of max HP to deal additional damage equal to 20% of the amount of HP lost
HP Superboost: Increase own HP
Sealing Own Powers: Recovers HP at the start of each turn
Rarity: SR
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 5: GOLAN, Chapter 11: Ken-oh’s Invasion Force
Deadly Boomerang: Deal damage multiple times in a straight line. Increase own Crit rate by 20% for 2 turns
Nanto Muonken: Deals damage multiple times to Front Row enemies. Reduces their recovery rate by 80% for 2 turns
Attack Superboost: Increases own attack
GOLAN Leader: Increase own damage absorption during battle
Rarity: SR
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha
Hidden Channeling Point: Shintanchu: Deal damage multiple times, plus 15% chance to inflict Seal (immobilize and inflict 30% Chi reduction)
Hokuto Face-Breaking Fist of Compassion: Deal massive damage multiple times, plus increase own Attack by 10% and defense by 20% for 2 turns. Also reduce Attack of target by 10% and Defense by 20% for 2 turns.
Attack Superboost: Increase own Attack
Tenacious Gaze: Reduces defense of all enemies
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha
Spike Attack: Deal multiple damage, increase own Chi by 100.
Don’t underestimate a female warrior: Deal damage multiple times to all enemies. Increase own Chi by 100.
Attack superboost: Increase own attack
Female leader: Increase Damage reduction of all allies
Rarity: SR
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 4: KING Pt 3
Nanto Power Slash: Deal damage multiple times, increases own Crit rate by 30% and Crit DMG by 20% for 2 turns
Nanto Infernal Slaughtering Fist: Deal more damage multiple times in a straight line. Also increase Crit Rate by 40% for 2 turns.
Attack Superboost: Increase own attack
Implacable Greed: Increase Attack of all allied Nanto Fighters
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha, Chapter 9: Amiba
Hidden Chanelling Point: Gekishinko: Deal damage multiple times. Also inflict one of the following effects on the target for 2 turns: reduce Attack by 15% at the beginning of the turn, reduce Critical rate by 20% or recover 10% of Max HP
You’re my Guinea Pig: Deal massive damage multiple times. Also inflict any of these: 30% chance to reduce Defense by 20% for 2 turns, 30% chance to reduce Chi by 100, 20% chance to increase Attack by 20% for 2 turns, 10% chance to inflict Silence and 10% chance to inflict Seal
HP Superboost: Increase own HP
Fake Savior: Reduce Attack and Defense of the enemy who defeated this Fighter for 2 turns.
Rarity: SR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha
Nanto Hiyoku Ken: Deal damage multiple times and inflict bleed for 2 turns.
Nanto Hiyoku Swift Slicing: Deal damage multiple times to enemies in the Back Row. Reduce defense by 20% and inflict Bleed for 2 turns.
Attack Superboost: Increase own attack
One-eyed Lieutenant: Increase attack of Back Row allies
Rarity: SR
Type: Attack
How to unlock: Gacha
Fierce Gliding Kick Dance: Deals damage multiple times, reduces target’s Chi by 300.
Nanto Army-Slaying Swift Legs: Deals more damage multiple times in a straight line and has 40% chance to inflict Silence for 2 turns
Attack Superboost: Increases own Attack
The Blind Leader: Increase Crit rate of all allies
Rarity: UR
Type: Support
How to unlock: Gacha
Supreme Star Cross Fist: Deal damage multiple times, removes target’s buffs and deals additional 40% damage to Life enemies
Flying Cross of the Phoenix: Deals damage multiple times to all enemies, has a 30% chance to reduce their Chi by 300 and 15% chance to inflict Stun
Attack superboost: Increase own attack
Behold the Emperor: Increases own Status Effect Resist Rate
Rarity: UR
Type: Tank
How to unlock: Gacha
Bloodletting Strike: Deal damage multiple times (Guard and Skill Guard are ineffective against it). Inflicts damage equal to 10% of Max HP of each turn for 3 turns. Reduces Status Effect Resist Rate by 40%, plus extra 60% damage to Power enemies
Hokuto Iron Palm Blast: Deals massive damage multiple times in a straight line. Also increases own Attack and Defense by 20% for 2 turns and inflict extra damage worth of 200% of own Defense.
HP Superboost: Increases own HP
Supreme Ruler: Increases own Guard Rate and Critical Evasion Rate
And this would be the list of characters available in FotNS for mobile right now. I am sure that future updates will bring us even more characters, but even if things don’t change, we still have a really fun set of fighters to choose from.
Which is your favorite character in the game? Let us know by commenting below!
Published: Sep 6, 2019 5:42 PM UTC