Lisa is a four-star Electro element user in Genshin Impact, whose weapon of choice is a Catalyst. She is a prominent character who plays a major role in the Mondstadt storyline, and she has a notable presence in the Sumeru region, especially in the Sumeru Academia.
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Lisa is one of the starter characters in Genshin Impact whom players get for free very early in the game. Taking her character design, voice actor, availability, and a little bit of abilities in mind, we have many new players who tend to build Lisa.
Seeing that, we prepared a handy guide that talks about the ascension materials required to ascend Lisa to max level.
Lisa Ascension Materials
Here is the list of ascension materials you need to ascend Lisa to max ascension level.
Ascension Level 1
- Vajrada Amethyst Sliver X 1
- Slime Condensate X 3
- Valberry X 3
- Mora X 20000
Ascension Level 2
- Vajrada Amethyst Fragment X 3
- Slime Condensate X 15
- Lightning Prism X 2
- Valberry X 10
- Mora X 40000
Ascension Level 3
- Vajrada Amethyst Fragment X 6
- Slime Secretions X 12
- Lightning Prism X 4
- Valberry X 20
- Mora X 60000
Ascension Level 4
- Vajrada Amethyst Chunk X 3
- Slime Secretions X 18
- Lightning Prism X 8
- Valberry X 30
- Mora X 80000
Ascension Level 5
- Vajrada Amethyst Chunk X 6
- Slime Concentrate X 12
- Lightning Prism X 12
- Valberry X 45
- Mora X 100000
Ascension Level 6
- Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone X 6
- Slime Concentrate X 24
- Lightning Prism X 20
- Valberry X 60
- Mora X 120000
That’s it for now. Make sure to check out our coverage on the Genshin Impact version 2.5 update.
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS.
Published: Feb 11, 2022 6:33 PM UTC