Guardian Tales is a fast-paced hack and slash action RPG where players command a team of heroes as they fight against an unknown evil force. Players control the Guardian Knight, and as they progress through the game they will recruit more heroes to their party, and one such party member will most definitely be a healer of some sort. Which heroes are the best? We’ll talk about the best party members in our Guardian Tales best healers guide!
Leaf Fairy Aoba

Aoba generally has the highest healing and charges out of all of the currently available healers, making her a very solid choice for almost any team composition. She excels especially well with earth-based teams thanks to her party buff that grants a significant attack boost to earth units. Purification Dew allows her to keep her team consistently healthy.
Aoba’s healing is outmatched, but this causes her to have the lowest damage out of all of the healers. Make sure you take this into consideration when adding her to your team.
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Vampire Girl Karina

Karina’s normal attacks heal her party, giving her good passive HP regen. Bat Storm gives a nice burst heal when you need it, and Immortality gives her some nice tankiness compared to the other healers. Her party passives boost dark damage and also grant all of your units lifesteal on kill, making Karina is a pretty good complimentary healer.
Despite her passives, Karina has low HP and defense so you’ll have to keep an eye on her when she’s in your party. Since her healing is mostly passive, her overall healing output is lower than the other healers.
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Twin Healer Favi

Favi’s Healing Ray can target multiple party members, giving him pretty good healing output. When Favi uses Healing Water Drop on a party member, they gain a massive attack boost, which lets Favi enable some of your offensive members to deal some crazy damage. Favi is a good general healer, but to make the most of him you need your party members to be constantly injured.
As of now, those three heroes are considered to be the best healers the game has to offer. Do you think anyone else should be on the list or have additional comments about the heroes? Let us know in the comments below!
Published: Feb 18, 2021 10:45 AM UTC