Saving the park is a do-or-die task for our Sasquatch friend in Sneaky Sasquatch, and he will go to all lengths to put an end to Mr. Pemberton’s nasty plots. There are several places that you can explore as well as meet new characters, including various animal friends of Sasquatch like the Bear, Duck, and Fox, among others. RV Dude is one such NPC in the game, whom you can defeat to enhance your surfing reputation. In this guide, we tell you how to get to the RV Dude in Sneaky Sasquatch.
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How to Get to the RV Dude in Sneaky Sasquatch
The RV Dude lives on the Island, north of the Surf Shack. The island is located in the Ocean, which is located to the south and west of the Sasquatch Valley. You can access the island from the Marina, or by boat down the River. The RV Dude will let you spend a night in his RV for 20 coins and you can even buy his Motorcycle for 25 Beef Jerky, which can be purchased from the Stop & Snack for 50 coins.
RV dude has some amazing surfing skills and is one of the surfers you will need to beat to improve your surfing reputation. Sneaky Sasquatch has another very similar named location called the RV Park. It is located to the north of the Ranger Station and contains numerous NPC’s camping with their RVs.
Published: Feb 22, 2022 10:59 am