The sixth main installment in the Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Rise, is an action role-playing game set in the ninja-themed fictional location, Kamura Village. Its lush ecosystem provides the perfect environment for housing monsters that you can hunt.
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While the initial release of MHRise was in March 2021, the game made its official release on the PC platform on January 12, 2022. With that, we have a new batch of players who are eager to know how much content Monster Hunter Rise actually offers by knowing the time it takes to beat the game.
To help you out, based on recorded player data, we will answer how long it takes to beat Monster Hunter Rise.
How Long is Monster Hunter Rise?
It takes around 19.5 hours to beat the main story of Monster Hunter Rise while doing some additional important quests and challenges.
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If you are a completionist who doesn’t stop till you attain 100% progress with video games, then you have to spend around 135 hours to beat everything Monster Hunter Rise has to offer.
Just keep in mind, the game progression and time it takes to beat Monster Hunter Rise highly depends upon your skill level. The above estimates are based on general recorded data. If you are well versed with the game, you can beat the game quicker than the mentioned time.
Here is a table from howlongtobeat website that takes user polls to get an estimate on how long it takes to beat Monster Hunter Rise while keeping different playstyles and goals in mind.
Single-Player | Polled | Average | Median | Rushed | Leisure |
Main Story | 178 | 20h 29m | 19h | 14h 07m | 30h 07m |
Main + Extras | 190 | 69h 46m | 60h | 38h 14m | 232h 26m |
Completionists | 30 | 147h 32m | 122h 56m | 90h 07m | 251h 56m |
All PlayStyles | 398 | 53h 35m | 34h 47m | 26h 20m | 222h 05m |
Monster Hunter Rise is currently available on Nintendo Switch and PC platforms.
Published: Jan 14, 2022 11:05 am