Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 and brings some fun weapons, exciting locations, and brand new features! One of these new features is becoming a chrome blob. Check out our guide below to find out how to become a chrome blob in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4.
Finding and Using Chrome Splash in Fortnite
Become a speedy little chrome blob in this new season of Fortnite! To become a chrome blob you will need to find some Chrome Splash. Chrome Splash is a new epic-rarity throwable that is thrown at your feet like Chug Splash. Any items hit by Chrome Splash liquid turn to chrome – including yourself!
When you are chromified you have the ability to turn into a chrome blob. You can do this by using the sprinting action (on Xbox you do this by pressing in the left thumbstick). Press the sprint ability button again to stop being a chrome blob.

As a blob you can boost into and through walls by double jumping. The only walls you cannot dash through are vault walls and floors. When in ball form you can also speed along pretty quickly- not unlike when we could sand tunnel in previous seasons!
Related: How to Find and Use a Port-a-Bunker in Fortnite
If you need more Chrome Splash to become a blob again you can throw your last one onto an item such as a tree, and then harvest that tree for more Chrome Splash. Chrome Splash can be found in Chrome Chests, or by destroying any other chromified objects- these can be ones that already exist in the four chrome locations, or ones made by splashing them with Chrome Splash.

Remember: you are not a blob for long, and boosting uses up your energy! So keep some Chrome Splash handy. That is all you need to know about this new feature in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4! Next, check out all the vault locations in this new season. Good luck.
Published: Sep 19, 2022 2:55 PM UTC