Minecraft has included llamas on mobile devices since 2017 and the Nintendo Switch since the Discovery update in 2019. The neutral, tameable mob can be found in the mountains, savannah, and savannah plateau biomes. Llamas can be ridden, carry items in a chest, and be dressed with colorful carpets. They are very cute and useful animals, so players might want to try taming and breeding a herd of their own. Follow our guide below to find out how to tame and then breed a herd of llamas.

How to Tame Llamas in Minecraft
To breed llamas in Minecraft, they must first be tamed. Llama taming can be achieved by riding a llama repeatedly until its hearts increase. Players may be bucked off a few times, but it is worth persisting. Feeding the llama can also help in the taming process as it increases its Temper. The higher the Temper is, the more successful a player will be in taming the llama.

How to Breed Llamas in Minecraft
To breed llamas, players must first mine some hay bales. Hay bales can be found around plains, savannah, or desert villages, and around scarecrows and targets in pillager outposts. They can be mined most easily using a hoe. After mining some hay bales, feed the llamas between around 3 bales, and this will enable love mode. As long as the llamas are near each other and are willing, they will breed and their offspring will take on the appearance of one of the parent llamas randomly.
Related: How to Breed Goats in Minecraft

Hints and Tips:
- A trader llama cannot be bred
- A leashed llama will follow a player, and can then form a ‘caravan’ of llamas behind it
- Llamas spit—if they spit at a player and it lands on another llama, this can start a fight
- Unlike other tamed animals, the llama will retaliate if hit by a player
- Hay bales also give +10 Health, +6 Temper, and speed up growth
Published: Oct 18, 2021 12:23 PM UTC