Today I will show you how to build an armor rack cabinet (armor stand) in Minecraft without mods. You can hang any of your armor on these hangers.
How to Build an Armor Stand in Minecraft
To begin with, put 6 looms with the back side, 4 blocks high. Place a row of beehives in front of the looms. Then put hatches from dark oak to the last hive and close them. Do the same on the other side.
Then put 2 racks for armor on the left half-side, go back 1 block and put another rack. To the right of the last rack, place 2 dark oak hatches and raise them. Put the Tripwire Hook a little to the right.
Then break the quartz on top and put 4 End Rods. Put 4 pistons above the end rods, which should look down. Place 4 Redstone blocks next to the pistons. Then break the pistons and Redstone blocks, you no longer need them. Place 5 blocks of sanded pinewood over the counter.
Then you need to get the barrier. To do this, write the following:
/ give @s barrier

Put this barrier under the Tripwire Hook. Then break the quartz and put the armor stand with your back to the Tripwire Hook and change the position of the stand 12 times. Put 1 block of peeled pine wood above the counter, and above it, you need to put a rod, which should look down.
Activate the rod with a Redstone block, and then break the rod and close the quartz on top. Then put the boiler and fill it with water. Paint the water with purple dye, and then paint the leather jacket. Put this jacket on the first rack and fill it with water again. Paint the second leather jacket in lime color and hang it on the 2nd rack.
On the 3rd rack, you can hang a diamond chest, and on the last only iron boots. Then put on gold boots and diamond pants on the 1st rack. The boiler with water can be broken, you no longer need it.
The only thing left to do is to make these racks invisible. To do this, go to the racks and write the command:
/ effect @e [type = armor_stand, r = 4] invisibility 9999 250 true

And in the end, you have such a beautiful cabinet with armor hangers in Minecraft.
Published: Oct 13, 2021 9:27 AM UTC