Having a strong friendship with your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can really carry you throughout the game. Thanks to a special feature on the Poketch, you can check your bond with Pokemon in real-time any time you like. Here’s how to get it and use it.
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How To Check Friendship With The Poketch

To get the app for your Poketch, you will need to complete a few objectives. First, you should have made it to Eterna City in the game. Next, defeat the grass gym leader Gardenia and earn your second badge. Once you do these, speak to the female NPC with long hair wearing a pink shirt at the Pokemon Center in town and she will grant you the Friendship Check app for your Poketch.
When you open the app, you will see all of your party Pokemon there. You can press on one to see how many hearts they have. No hearts means you haven’t bonded strongly with them yet, two small hearts means you’re getting there, and two big hearts means you have maxed that bond. When you bond with them a lot, new dialogues will play in battles. High friendship Pokemon can sometimes randomly dodge moves and break through status ailments.
Other Ways To Check Friendship

There are several NPCs in the game that you can check friendship with by talking to them. Before speaking to any of them, place the Pokemon you want them to examine in the front slot of your party, the one who will come out when you have a battle.
One of the NPCs to seek out is the woman in the Pokemon Fan Club building in Hearthome City. She will be in the upper left corner. If she determines your friendship with that Pokemon is high enough, she will reward them with a Best Friends Ribbon.

You can also visit the Footsteps house on Route 213, where he will describe how the Pokemon feels about you based on its body language. If the friendship is strong enough, he will give that Pokemon a Footprint Ribbon as a reward.
The NPC at the Eterna City Pokemon Center who gave you the Friendship Checker can also examine bonds if you speak to them again.
Those are the basics of friendship. Doing things like battling with your Pokemon, walking with them, and traveling with them will all improve the bond. Those formed bonds will help you out later when you need it most.
Published: Dec 6, 2021 9:03 PM UTC