While playing Alchemy Stars, players come across a challenge on Day 5 that asks them to complete Resource Raid missions with Carrier. It has been only a week or so since Alchemy Stars came out, many players are confused about how to get past this challenge. Keeping that in mind, we have prepared a handy guide on how to complete resource raid missions with carrier.
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How to Complete Resource Raid with Carrier Missions in Alchemy Stars

To complete “Resource Raids with Carrier” Mission in Alchemy Stars, players have to start a raid mission and when they are at stage difficulty selection screen, they have to toggle the Yellow-Orb(also referred to as the firefly-like thing) located at the top of the screen.
The Yellow Orb that you see there is your Carrier in Alchemy Stars. The daily grind maps officially called Resource Raid missions can give double drops if players enable the carrier option that we talked about earlier.
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However, keep in mind when you do a resource raid mission with carrier, you will spend double amount of stamina in Alchemy Stars. One stamina regens in six minutes. So do you calculations and check if it is worth it or not.
But, in the end, you have to complete at least two Resource Raids with Carrier to complete Day 5 Challenge in Alchemy Stars.
That’s all for now. We will research more and update this article with new information. While you are here, check out our other guides on the game.
Alchemy Stars is a roleplaying game currently available on Android and iOS platforms.
Published: Jun 26, 2021 11:49 PM UTC