Shin Megami Tensei V is among the biggest role-playing games available on Nintendo Switch, featuring a big world to explore filled with all sorts of secrets to discover.
As you move from one ward to another in Da’at, you will encounter some friendly demons that need your help to solve their problems. And if you manage to do so, you will be rewarded handsomely for your trouble.
Here’s how to complete the A Preta Predicament sidequest, one of the first sidequests you can accept.
How to Complete the A Preta Predicament Sidequest in Shin Megami Tensei V

To start the A Preta Predicament sidequest, you need to get into a cave that is located to the northwest of the Mita Leyline Fount. Here, you will find a few Pretas, and one of them will ask for your help in locating some Petras that went out to search for food but haven’t returned yet.

After the quest has been accepted, head over to the location found on the map above, speak with the Preta here and then proceed to the east of the Mita Leyline Fount until you reach another cave with a Petra standing at the entrance. Speak with it to get the Sake and Dango Medley, then head back to the first cave. Giving the item to the quest giver Petra will initiate a battle against the Petras in the cave. Fight them using Fire, Ice, and Force attacks and you will make short work of them, clearing the quest. You will get a Haunt Talisman and 100 EXP for your trouble.
Published: Dec 21, 2021 11:13 AM UTC