Blue Archive is an anime-style multiplayer tactical RPG, where you try on the role of the teacher looking after the students. To improve relations with your students, you can give them gifts. In this guide, we will tell you how to Craft Gifts.
How to Craft Gifts in Blue Archive
You will gain access to the Crafting Chamber after completing Chapter 3.2. From that point on, you’ll need to collect Keystones. These can be obtained by completing missions and daily tasks. You can also get Keystones after the end of the character’s banner. If you still have unspent points that you get after the banner rolls, with the end of the banner, they are converted to Keystones.
To start crafting, you only need one Keystone, but the more of them you use before crafting, the rarer the item will be. There are several types of items for crafting, but we are only interested in Gifts. After the first investment of stones, you will be presented with a choice of 5 options of craftable items. They are generated randomly and can have different types and rarities. You should find an icon with a 6-leaf flower. This is a category of gifts that, by the way, cannot be obtained anywhere other than crafting.
After you have chosen what you want to craft, go to the next node. In the second node, you can finish with a choice and start crafting, or specify what exactly you want to craft. But for this, you have to pay Credits. When you have confirmed everything, the craft will start. In total, you only have 3 crafting slots.
If you see Glittering Bouquet and Hatsune Miku’s Photo Card, we highly recommend crafting them, because they are guaranteed to cause a Great Effect on any student. This way, you will never go wrong with a suitable Gift.
Published: Nov 17, 2021 07:33 am