Grab your pets and jump into a game of Pet Simulator X on Roblox! There are quests to find and complete to earn Quest Points and get more Pets and Eggs to hatch. There are quests to complete in each level, with multiple levels in each world. This means so many opportunities to earn Quest Points and get some amazing Pets to help you dig for Coins and Diamonds.
Read on to find out how to find quests in Roblox Pet Simulator X.
How to Find and Complete Quests in Roblox Pet Simulator X
As you enter each world in Roblox Pet Simulator X, you will see the ground is covered in piles of golden Coins, Treasure Chests, Diamonds, Vaults, Safes, and Gift Boxes full of coins. Your pets must help by breaking open these piles so you can collect the treasures inside. These items are of varying toughness so it will take a strong Pet to open some of them quickly. Collecting Coins is the must important thing to begin with as these will help you unlock each level within the world.
Related | Pet Simulator X: How to Get Secret Huge Gleebo

At the end of each level, before you get to the next one, there is a Quest Board showing all available quests for that level. For example, in the first level in the first world you enter when joining the game, there are four quests:
- Break 100 Chests in Town
- Hatch 300 Eggs from Starter Pets
- Break 300 Chests in Town

As you can see, these Quests are specific to this first level, in the first world. Breaking Chests and Coins in other levels and worlds will not count towards these Quests. Some Quests are easier than others, while others will take some time getting there, such as the 300 Starter Egg hatches! This encourages you to spend you coins on unlocking more levels and eventually other worlds!

Each Quest you complete gives you Quest Points to spend on various amazing things such as:
- Quest Egg – 400 Quest Points
- Hoverboard – 5K Quest Points
- Booth Style Trading Booth – 1K Quest Points
- Boost Pack – 800 Quest Points
- Diamond Rewards – from 500 to 5K Quest Points
- Pet Slots, Pet Storage, and more!
If you are struggling to get the resources you need quickly then visit our Roblox Pet Simulator Gems (Diamonds) guide.
Published: Apr 25, 2023 3:41 PM UTC