Gold and Platinum are two of the most desired weapon camo in Call of Duty Mobile and even before the port to mobile, they have been a unique part of the previous Call of Duty titles.
Despite new weapons being free, players will need to fight and grind their way to get them. And you can unlock the basic weapon camo with little effort.
It is recommended that you get a gold camo for the weapon that you use all the time because it’ll allow you control the weapon almost perfectly and you’ll get more kills in every game.

If you want to know the requirements to get a gold camo, head to the loadout page and select gunsmith and you’ll see all the options listed, then select camo. Camos are also important because it’s a sign for other players to know you’re not an amateur.
Using a gold camo means you strived to get it and it shows that you have a lot of experience with the game. So in this article we’ll be showing you to get gold camo in Call of Duty Mobile.
How to get the Gold Camo in COD Mobile
One of the fastest ways to unlock the gold camo is to complete multiple objectives at the same time. For instance, you could do up to 50 kills, hip fire and headshots. You could also try 50 kills, 5 attachments and headshots.

Another important aspect to take note of when trying to get the golden camo are the game modes. We recommend playing the Hardpoint mode and choosing Shipment 1944 as your map.
Using the Shipment 1944 map lets you get plenty of kills because it’s a tiny map that lets you locate your enemies fast. You don’t need to spend a lot of time searchig for enemies.

The Hardpoint mode lets you get as much kills as you want in a given time and the first team to reach 150 kills win. Unlike the Deathmatch mode that limits kill count to 40. If you continue to play Hardpoint at Shipment 1944 it won’t take you long to get your gold camo.
After every match, check the requirements you’ve completed as well as the ones left to complete. And once you’ve completed the objectives, a notification will pop-up that tells you that you’ve unlocked the gold camo.

That’s all from us on how to get the gold camo in COD Mobile. We hope the article as been helpful to you.
Published: Dec 19, 2021 10:41 AM UTC