Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl players have been working hard to obtain the elusive fossil Pokemon. These Pokemon are slightly different in these versions of the game, compared to previous versions. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, players can obtain either a Skull Fossil Pokemon or an Armor Fossil Pokemon, and the type you get depends on which version of the game you are playing. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, you can find the Skull Fossil, while in Pokemon Shining Pearl, you can find the Armor Fossil. Find out what to do below.
Transforming Fossils into Pokemon
There are two fossils available: Skull Fossil and Armor Fossil. Armor Fossil turns into Shieldon, a steel/rock type reptilian Pokemon, and Skull Fossil turns into Cranidos, a rock-type dinosaur Pokemon.

To dig for fossils, you must first follow these steps:
- See all 150 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region Overworld
- Visit Sandgem Town
- Speak to Professor Rowan and Professor Oak
- Upgrade your Pokedex to the National Pokedex
- Visit Eterna City
- Go to the house next to the Pokemon Center
- Speak to the Old Man
- Obtain the Explorer Kit
- Enter the Grand Underground

Fossils can be obtained by mining the shining spots in the walls. You will not hit a fossil straight away, so keep trying! They are pretty rare, so have some patience and keep mining when you can—you should hit a fossil eventually.
Once you have your fossil, head over to the Museum and speak to the scientist. He will ask to take the fossil from you to turn it into a Pokemon. Leave the Museum, then re-enter the building and speak to the scientist again, and they will give you your new Pokemon!
Happy fossil hunting! Let us know in the comments below when you have gotten your fossil Pokemon.
Published: Nov 28, 2021 4:04 PM UTC