Palkia, the much-loved Legendary Pokemon introduced in Generation 4, and the creator of Space. Well, in the Pokemon world at least.
Possessing the Water/Dragon typing, Palkia, along with Dialga, is only second to Arceus, the God of the Pokemon universe. Along with a cool backstory, Palkia also possesses amazing stats and can blow back opponents in batttle without breaking a sweat.
Do you want to find out how to get Shiny Palkia in Pokemon Shining Pearl? Then just read on below!
How to Shiny Hunt for Palkia in Pokemon Shining Pearl
Palkia is a static encounter Legendary that can be found only in 1 spot throughout the entire game: at the peak of Mount Coronet.
There are 2 ways in which you can get your own Shiny Palkia, and we will be talking about them below:
Storied Event
This is the first way you can try, recommended for the people who don’t plan on playing through the Elite Four and Champion anytime soon.
After beating the 7th Gym Leader, during the climax of the Team Galactic storyline at the peak of Mount Coronet, you will have to encounter and battle Palkia. Here, all you need to do is save your game before engaging in battle with Palkia. Then, keep ‘soft resetting’ your game and engage in battle with Palkia over and over until you come across its shiny variant.
| Related: Pokemon BDSP Legendary Soft Reset Guide: Shiny Odds, Time Consumption, and More |
The odds for you to encounter a Shiny Palkia with this shiny hunting method is 1/4096. Needless to say, you will be doing this for quite a while.
Post-Elite 4
The method that we recommend would have you first defeat the Elite 4 and Champion before you can shiny hunt for Palkia. This method works because when you defeat Palkia in the storied encounter instead of catching it, it will respawn in the same place after beating the Elite 4.
Why is it better to shiny hunt for Palkia after beating the Elite 4? Because now you can get your hands on the Shiny Charm, and with that in your possession, your odds for encountering a Shiny Palkia double!
| Related: How to Get the Shiny Charm in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl |
Visit the Spear Pillar to encounter Palkia once more, and follow the same steps of the ‘soft resetting’ shiny hunt technique as elaborated in the first method. With greatly increased odds, you are sure to have your workload cut in half; literally!
Published: Dec 15, 2021 7:41 AM UTC