Fallout Shelter got a brand-new content update, just in time for the series’ 25th anniversary! This new update introduces an entirely new quest line, new weapons, outfits, pets, Dwellers, room themes, and more. One of the new weapons includes the iconic Ripper melee weapon seen throughout the Fallout series. Today, we’ll show you how to get the Ripper in Fallout Shelter!
Fallout Shelter: Obtaining the Ripper
First off, be sure to update your version of Fallout Shelter to the latest version from your device’s app store. The new anniversary quests will not show up if you’re running the old version of the game.
Secondly, you’ll need to have at least 18 Dwellers in your Vault, as you’ll need the Overseer’s Office built. With the Overseer’s Office up and running, you can send teams of three Dwellers on quests. Completing quests rewards XP, items, and sometimes even new Dwellers.
With the latest version of Fallout Shelter, you should see a new green quest line titled “Searching in the Dark”. The quest line is a total of six quests, and the first one is called “Party Favors”.
The anniversary of your Vault is quickly approaching, so you’ll need to head out to a Super Duper Mart in order to secure some party supplies. The quest recommends your Dwellers to be at least 20, as you’ll be fighting some well-equipped Raiders, so make sure to prepare accordingly.
Fight your way through the Super Duper Mart, heading down below into the basement filled with Radroaches. The party supplies are mysteriously missing, but you’ll find some clues left on a computer log. This will complete the quest, and you’ll earn a brand spanking new Ripper for your troubles.

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From here on out, you’ll also be able to find Rippers as random rewards for completing quests. Keep an eye out, and you might even find ones with modifiers on them, like the Rusty Ripper!
That concludes our guide on how to get the Ripper in Fallout Shelter. If you have any other questions, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Oct 14, 2022 12:31 AM UTC