Wool is one of the crafting materials in Raft that you need to craft some of the essential items and clothes like backpacks, helmets, and others, in the game. However, not many people know how to get Wool in Raft. This is where our Wool location guide comes in handy.
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In this Raft guide, we share detail on how you can get Wool.
How to Get Wool in Raft

In Raft, you can use Shears to get Wool from tamed Llama. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. To get Wool, you need Shears that you can craft using two Metal Ores. However, the main part of obtaining Wool in Raft involves taming a Llama.
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To tame a Llama, you have to catch one on large Islands using the Net Launcher that uses the Net Canister as its ammunition. If you don’t have a Net Launcher, you can craft one using the below items:
- 2x Scrap
- 4x Plastic
- 1x Metal Ingot
- 2x Bolt
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Once you have crafted yourself a Net Launcher, the next thing is to make its ammunition, the Net Canister—you can make it using the below items:
- 1x Explosive Powder
- 4x Stone
- 4x Rope
After you are done with the preparations, navigate to some large Islands and find yourself a Llama. Once you have eyes on one, shoot the Net Launcher to capture the Llama. Bring it back on the Raft, make fences to make sure the Llama doesn’t run away, and then—finally, place the Llama on your Raft.
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After that, every fifteen minutes, you can use Shears to obtain Wool from the tamed Llama.
Raft is a survival game available on the PC platform.
Published: Jul 6, 2022 8:59 PM UTC