Xiao is one of the upcoming playable characters of Genshin Impact set to release with version 1.3 update. He is a five-star Anemo element user, whose weapon of choice is a polearm. With Genshin Impact 1.3 update’s imminent release, players will be able to delve deeper into the story and lore of Liyue, the Yakshas, and Xiao himself.
As we know, Genshin Impact 1.3 update is going to introduce a pool of new content for players to dive right into. This content comes in the form of Xiao’s new story quest, the Lantern Rite festival, other quests and events, new weapons, enemies, features, quality of life changes, and much more.

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Genshin Impact 1.3 update will feature Xiao’s banner in the first half(two weeks), and then Keqing’s banner in the second half(two weeks prior to update 1.4’s release). While players who are well versed with Genshin Impact already know how to get new playable characters and all that. There are some lateral joinees in the Genshin Impact community who aren’t aware of the process or method involved in getting a new playable character.
How to get Xiao in Genshin Impact?

Xiao is a five-star character who will be featured in Genshin Impact’s character event wish banner. Every character banner has a name associated with the featured character, like Albedo’s event wish banner was called Secretum Secretorum, Zhongli’s event wish banner was called Gentry of Hermitage, and so on. This time around Xiao’s event wish banner is called Invitation to Mundane Life.
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To get Xiao in Genshin Impact, post version 1.3 update, players have to go to the wish section of the game, and select Invitation to Mundane Life event wish banner, and start performing wishes using Primogems, Genesis Crystals, or Intertwined Fate.

For now, players can obtain Xiao in Genshin Impact only via the event wish banner. There are no other options to get Xiao. So, new or old player, unless you are a “whale” try to save those premium currencies to get Xiao.
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Genshin Impact is a free to play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, Android, and iOS.
Published: Jan 31, 2021 9:47 AM UTC