The Fortnite Chapter 3 update brings a lot of new things to the game. In addition to the new battle pass in which you can get Spiderman skins, new locations and weapons have been added. In this guide, we’ll show you how in the new chapter Hit Champion League.
How to Hit Champion League Fast
The Victory Crown feature was added to the matches. When you are at the top of a match, you get the crown. You will start the next match with this crown on your head. It will shine and make you stand out, but as long as the crown is on you, you will receive bonus experience points. And if you fight the whole match with the crown, then you will get an Emote that will show your rewards.
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If you want to be a top player, then playing solo is not the best choice. While this is the hardest challenge, it is a great way to earn points.
Also, shotguns are still not the most effective weapon in this meta. However, if you run double and triple SMG with aim assist, your SMG will be able to do 36 headshot damage very quickly. So you can eliminate someone quickly. However, this only works effectively when playing solo.
We recommend playing in the trio arena because then you will receive 10 points for elimination. It’s a little less than playing solo, but Trios is always more fun. So, develop tactics for your team and you can hit Champion League.
Published: Dec 6, 2021 9:43 PM UTC