You’ve just loaded up a new world in Minecraft. What should be the very first thing you do? That’s right, punch trees to get some wood, then turn that wood into sticks! Getting sticks is one of the first major goals every new player does in Minecraft, as it lets you make the tools you’ll need on your journey. Today, we’ll show you how to make sticks in Minecraft!
How to Make Sticks in Minecraft
First off, you’ll need some Wood. Literally any kind of Wood works, so find the nearest tree and start punching it. We’re assuming you don’t have any tools yet, so just punching trees with your bare hands should work fine.
Eventually you’ll break the Wood block, but go ahead and chop down the rest of the tree because you’re probably going to need all the Wood. Place a Wood block anywhere in your crafting grid to turn it into a Wood Plank.
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Once you have two Wood Planks, place them in the crafting grid vertically, on top of each other. You should be able to make Sticks like this! As mentioned, Sticks are used for every single tool in the game, so it’s not a bad idea to carry around a stack of 64 Sticks with you at all times, just in case of emergency.
That’s how you make Sticks in Minecraft! If you have any other tips or tricks to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: May 4, 2022 8:33 PM UTC