Enchanting is the main method of strengthening your gear in Minecraft, and if you’re looking to tackle the harder bosses like the Wither and Ender Dragon, you’ll need a full set of enchanted gear to stand a chance. Regular old diamond equipment won’t cut it, so today we’ll show you how to make the best enchantment room in Minecraft!
How to Make the Best Enchantment Room
The Enchanting Table, by default, provides you with a list of randomly selected enchantments depending on the piece of gear or tool you place. These enchantments are strong, but they’re not very high level, as the Enchanting Table needs to be boosted by nearby bookshelves.
In order to do this, you’ll have to craft some bookshelves. A single bookshelf requires six planks of any type and three books, so you’ll need some paper and leather as well. The Enchanting Table can be boosted by up to 15 bookshelves, so you’ll need a grand total of 90 planks and 45 books.

Once you have your bookshelves, it’s time to start building. When building your enchantment room, the only rule you need to follow is that the bookshelves need to have one block of air between them and the Enchanting Table. The simplest and most popular layout to use is to surround the Enchanting Table with 15 bookshelves, as shown here:
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Don’t feel like this is the only layout you can do, however. As long as there’s one block of air between the bookshelves and the table, you can lay them out in whatever fashion you like. You can even stack multiple bookshelves on top of each other to save some space. Try it out and see what configurations you like the most!
And that’s all you need to know about making the best enchanting room in Minecraft. If you have any other layouts you’d like to share, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Aug 19, 2021 1:56 AM UTC