Refining your gear is one of the most expensive things you can do in Evony. However, even though refining is the most expensive thing in the game, it is the most beneficial thing. Read this guide, and you will find out how to refine in Evony correctly. No time to lose. Let’s get started.
How to Refine Gear in Evony
First of all, you need to know what refining does. So, by refining your weapon, armor or accessory will get additional stats and will become more powerful. For example, the item can get increased damage, health points, and even a range of attacks. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?
Every type of item has the stats that it will increase by refining. You can not aim your character only on attack or defense; it is impossible. Helmet and Legs will get buffed troop health points. Boots and Armor will get increased troop defense. And weapons and rings will get increased troop attacks. When the refining working principle is straightforward, let’s find out how to do it.
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All you need to refine an item is to open the refining menu. After that, select an item you want to refine and click “Refine.” And by refining, your item will get 4 more stats. However, the stats that your weapon will get are completely random. You can not manage it; everything depends on your luck.
Therefore, be ready to do a lot of tries and spend a lot of gold and gems before you get a potent improvement from refining. Also, you might reset improvements that you have got and refine the item again. That is how it works.
In conclusion, refining is one of Evony’s most expensive but probably the most beneficial thing. And the main disadvantage of refining items is that this process is entirely random. That is how it is. Thank you for reading this guide. Hope you find it helpful!
Published: Aug 29, 2022 10:37 AM UTC