In the critically acclaimed world of Final Fantasy XIV, players can venture out into the wilderness to find harvesting nodes of different types. Interacting with these nodes will grant you crafting materials, as long as you have the correct Disciple of the Land job equipped. Sometimes, special rare nodes will spawn that grant additional items, and many crafters seek these out with the help of gathering timers. Today, we’ll show you how to use a FFXIV gathering timer for update 6.2!
Using Gathering Timers in FFXIV
Occasionally, special nodes called unspoiled nodes will spawn out in the world. Unspoiled nodes only spawn at certain times of the day, and once spawned, they last for only two hours (Three hours for the A Realm Reborn areas) before they disappear, or they’re collected.
In order to harvest unspoiled nodes, players must have their respective Botanist or Miner jobs leveled up to at least level 46, which unlocks the Truth of Forests and Truth of Mountains abilities, respectively.
Once your Disciple of the Land job is high enough, you can start tracking down unspoiled nodes. To assist you with the process, there are certain websites out there that keep track of unspoiled nodes’ spawning times so that you can be ready.
The website we’ll be using is FFXIV Gathering. Go ahead and go to the website, and then you’ll be prompted to select the version of FFXIV you’d like to view, separated by expansion release. For the purposes of this guide, we’ll be looking at version 6.0, the release of the latest expansion Endwalker, so go ahead and click on that.
You should now be looking at a chart which lists the node items, the location, the required level, and the time until it spawns or despawns. The most important thing to keep in mind that items are highlighted in green are currently up, while those highlighted in yellow are spawning soon. Items in gray will be spawning in several hours.

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To help you narrow down the list, you can sort it by exactly what you’re looking for: unspoiled nodes, folklore, ephemeral, botany, and mining. This website even gives you a personal watch list where you can only focus on the items you care about. To add something to your watch list, simply click on the row.
Once you’re found what you’re looking for, all that’s left is to go to the area indicated by the row and head to the exact coordinates. If everything is right, you should find the node waiting for you there.
This website has helped us a lot in our quest for materials, so we hope it helps you too. There are other FFXIV tracking websites to check out, if you’re interested! Here’s a couple:
That concludes our guide on how to use a FFXIV gathering timer for update 6.2. If you have any other questions, let us know in the comments below!
Published: Aug 25, 2022 12:07 AM UTC