Minecraft is famous for its almost endless and randomly generated worlds. There is nearly no limit to the possibilities in this game, as imagination is the only obstacle. Hence why it is so popular. Players can further broaden the horizon by implementing commands in their gameplay. Minecraft features tons of interesting and useful commands by default. In this guide, you will learn about the /locate biome command and how to use it in Minecraft 1.19.
/locate biome command in Minecraft: All you need to know
/locate is one of the most used commands in Minecraft. As obvious from its name, the locate command is used to find the coordinates of any specific structure, biome, or point of interest. Before the 1.19 update, Minecraft had two separate commands, locate and locatebiome, and the latter command was exclusive to Java Edition.
In the 1.19 update, Mojang improved the locate command and gave the option to find coordinates of places using a single command. Both Java and Bedrock Edition players can now use /locate biome command to find the coordinates of any type of biome in Minecraft.
To use this command, open the console or chat box and type the following command:
/locate biome <biome_name>
After entering the biome name, hit the enter to locate the coordinates to the nearest biome. The game will share the coordinates in the chat within a few seconds.
Here is a list of biome names that players can use in the locate biome command:
Badlands | badlands |
Bamboo Jungle | bamboo_jungle |
Basalt Deltas | basalt_deltas |
Beach | beach |
Birch Forest | birch_forest |
Cold Ocean | cold_ocean |
Crimson Forest | crimson_forest |
Dark Forest | dark_forest |
Deep Cold Ocean | deep_cold_ocean |
Deep Dark | deep_dark |
Deep Frozen Ocean | deep_frozen_ocean |
Deep Lukewarm Ocean | deep_lukewarm_ocean |
Deep Ocean | deep_ocean |
Desert | desert |
Dripstone Caves | dripstone_caves |
End Barrens | end_barrens |
End Highlands | end_highlands |
End Midlands | end_midlands |
Eroded Badlands | eroded_badlands |
Flower Forest | flower_forest |
Forest | forest |
Frozen Ocean | frozen_ocean |
Frozen Peaks | frozen_peaks |
Frozen River | frozen_river |
Grove | grove |
Ice Spikes | ice_spikes |
Jagged Peaks | jagged_peaks |
Jungle | jungle |
Lukewarm Ocean | lukewarm_ocean |
Lush Caves | lush_caves |
Mangrove Swamp | mangrove_swamp |
Meadow | meadow |
Mushroom Fields | mushroom_fields |
Nether Wastes | nether_wastes |
Ocean | ocean |
Old Growth Birch Forest | old_growth_birch_forest |
Old Growth Pine Taiga | old_growth_pine_taiga |
Old Growth Spruce Taiga | old_growth_spruce_taiga |
Plains | plains |
River | river |
Savanna | savanna |
Savanna Plateau | savanna_plateau |
Small End Islands | small_end_islands |
Snowy Beach | snowy_beach |
Snowy Plains | snowy_plains |
Snowy Slopes | snowy_slopes |
Snowy Taiga | snowy_taiga |
Soul Sand Valley | soul_sand_valley |
Sparse Jungle | sparse_jungle |
Stony Peaks | stony_peaks |
Stony Shore | stony_shore |
Sunflower Plains | sunflower_plains |
Swamp | swamp |
Taiga | taiga |
The End | the_end |
Warm Ocean | warm_ocean |
Warped Forest | warped_forest |
Windswept Forest | windswept_forest |
Windswept Gravelly Hills | windswept_gravelly_hills |
Windswept Hills | windswept_hills |
Windswept Savanna | windswept_savanna |
Wooded Badlands | wooded_badlands |
Players can use the /locate biome to find these biomes easily in Minecraft. However, if using command is not an option, players can use a biome finder.
Related: How to Download and Use a Minecraft 1.19 Biome Finder
Published: Dec 30, 2022 3:52 PM UTC