In the depths of a collapsed building, a young girl awakens to find herself trapped in a dark, dangerous world. Mion – the young girl – quickly finds herself in life or death situations and the only way to survive is to follow the guidance of two mysterious fireflies that can bend the world to their will…
Hotaru no Nikki, stylized as htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary, is a 2D puzzle horror adventure developed by NiS, the popular Japanese RPG developer behind classics like Disgaea. In The Firefly Diary, players take control of Mion as she explores the ruins and tries to find out what happened to the world during her sleep.
Mion is accompanied by two fireflies who have the ability to manipulate light and shadow to bring things into existence, and vice versa. The regular firefly can illuminate the world of light, enabling Mion to see better and to reveal things that are invisible to the naked eye.
The shadow firefly is shrouds the world in darkness and can destroy certain obstacles and mechanisms. Throughout her adventure, Mion will be pursued by shadowy abominations and a slew of mechanical traps, so deft utilization of both fireflies is necessary to survive in this harsh, dark world.
The Firefly Diary features a beautiful hand-drawn look that almost looks like it was made with water colors. The haunting, dark environments are offset by the cute design of Mion, but beware not to be fooled, as things can get very violent in the blink of an eye if you fail to escape a trap.
As Mion ascends to the top of the ruins, the dark answers slowly reveal themselves. Will you escape the ruins and learn the truth? htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary is available now on the App Store and Google Play Store.
Published: Jun 2, 2020 12:26 am