Hue is a young boy who is living in a normal, every day life in his monochrome world. One day, his mother suddenly vanishes without a trace save for a single voice recording. The evil Dr. Gray has stolen her prized invention, the Annular Spectrum, a ring that allows for the alteration and perception of color.
To get it back, Hue’s mother went on a journey full of unfortunate events, and now it is up to Hue to save the day. Hue: A Color Adventure is a 2D puzzle platformer designed around the world of color.
To find his mother, Hue must harness the power of the Annular Spectrum to make color bend to his will. Hue: A Color Adventure is full of mind-bending puzzles where color shifting is the key. Obstacles that were once there may turn invisible with a new paint job, and vice versa.
Anything that matches the background color becomes intangible, allowing you to manipulate platforms, walls, obstacles, and more to reveal the path forward. To find your mother, you must find the colored fragments in a story about love and loss.
Hue: A Color Adventure will release on the App Store and Google Play Store on April 23, 2020.
Published: Feb 12, 2020 04:29 am