Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, the second entry in the Zelda spin-off series in development by Koei Tecmo, was among the stars of this year’s edition of the Tokyo Game Show and, as such, plenty of new information and gameplay footage have been shared online.
Alongside a brand new trailer, which shows some short gameplay sequences, it has also been confirmed that a younger Impa will be among the playable characters. The character appeared in Breath of the Wild, as well as in other Zelda games, in a much more older form.
Following the trailer’s release, a Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity has been shown on stream, highlighting some of the playable characters such as Link and the recently revealed Young Impa.
If this Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity gameplay footage overload isn’t enough for you, more footage has also been shared to showcase the Goron Champion Daruk, who will come complete with some of the unique abilities of his tribe that have been shown in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
While Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is not the Breath of the Wild sequel everyone is waiting for, it will definitely be more than enough to make the wait for it more bearable. The game launches on November 20th on Nintendo Switch worldwide.
Published: Sep 28, 2020 03:57 am