The next-to-last part of our guide, Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Maps Locations, is on this page. In the last three posts, we talked about the first 15 maps of the game. In this post, we’ll talk about the next five maps, which are maps XVI through XX.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance How to Open Treasure Chest
A few things should be mentioned at this point. To begin with, having the maps in your hands is not required to discover the riches. This means that you may merely look at the pictures below and read the directions on how to discover the treasures if you wish. Second, in order to get some of the goods, you may need to first master particular skills. For example, lockpicking requires being at a specific level or knowing a certain perk.
With that said, let’s get right into the maps and the treasure locations.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map 16 Location

Where to Find the Map
You can buy this map from the Herbalist of Samopesh, who’s located in the woods, northwest of Samopesh.
Where to Find the Treasure Chest
Not much can be said about this map. Go west from the south side of the river. After a while, you’ll come to an open space with a grave in it. That’s where the treasure is.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map 17 Location

Where to Find the Map
Berthold, the huntsman in Rattay can sell you this map.
Where to Find the Treasure Chest
Follow the creek from Rovna until you reach a bridge. After crossing the bridge to the north, you’ll come to a hut. The treasure is located just behind the hut.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map 18 Location

Where to Find the Map
Nicolas Angel, who used to be the master huntsman in Talmberg, can sell you this map.
Where to Find the Treasure Chest
As seen on the map, there are several cabins east of Lake Talmberg (the red one in the center of the map in particular). From that point, continue northwest until you reach a wooden bench. Continue on your journey and cross the brook you come upon. Turn south and continue up the slope from here. The treasure is hidden behind the dense shrub.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map 19 Location

Where to Find the Map
You can buy this map from a random Wayfarer.
Where to Find the Treasure Chest
There is a bridge between Sassau and the Monastery. To the west of this bridge, there is an island that you can only reach from the north side of the river. As soon as you are on the island, you will see a grave under a big tree. There is where the treasure is located.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Map 20 Location

Where to Find the Map
You can acquire this map from the Charlatan, which can be located in Sasau and Ledetchko.
Where to Find the Treasure Chest
From the fast-travel point at Skalitz, follow the road to the north-east. Eventually, you’ll reach the river. From there, move towards the north, and you will see a structure with animal hides. From there, continue east towards the willows. West of the tree that you’ll see there, is where the treasure is located.
The fourth section of the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Maps Locations guide concludes here. We covered maps 16 through 20 in this article. The remaining five maps will be discussed in the next (and final) chapter. Follow the links below for further information on how to identify the places and riches from the previous maps, Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Maps Locations (1-5), Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Maps Locations (6 – 10) or Kingdom Come: Deliverance Treasure Maps Locations (11 – 15).
Published: Jan 24, 2023 12:03 pm