Has the best level for diamond mining changed in Minecraft 1.19? Diamonds have always been one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft and remain so to this day. The main source of diamonds on any version of Minecraft has always been the mine, but the level at which you can find gems has changed several times.
More recently, a new version of Minecraft 1.19 was released and if you want to know about the best level for mining diamonds on this version, then continue reading our guide.
Minecraft 1.19 Best Level for Diamonds
Before the Caves and Cliffs update, diamonds were generated from Y=16 to Y=0, and the best level to get diamonds was Y=11-12. After the minimum depth of the world dropped below zero, the generation of all underground resources changed. Diamonds have started generating between Y levels 15 and -63. At the same time, the level Y=-59 became the best level for diamond mining.
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With the Minecraft 1.19 update, the best height for diamond mining remains Y=-59, but new difficulties have appeared. With the update, two new locations, and The Warden mob were added.
The problem is that The Warden spawns in one of the other two new locations, and the locations themselves spawn below zero height. Also, The Warden is strong, spawning if you’re too noisy, and hears you through the walls, even if you were digging. Do you understand what we mean? Now, when going for diamonds, you should be more prepared and have good armor and an enchanted sword. Otherwise, by digging below zero height, you can awaken The Warden before you even get close to it, and without good equipment, this is automatic death.
Summing up, we want to say the following. To find a lot of diamonds, you need to go to Y=59, and it’s not a problem for most players. But since now there are terrible monsters in the depths, it will be more difficult for you to extract a valuable resource.
That’s all you need to know about the best level for diamond mining and the difficulties that await you in deep mines.
Published: Jun 13, 2022 8:21 AM UTC