The sixth main installment in the Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Rise, is an action role-playing game set in the ninja-themed fictional location, Kamura Village. Its lush ecosystem provides the perfect environment for housing monsters that you can hunt.
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Similar to other Monster Hunter games and RPGs in general, Monster Hunter Rise allows players to create their own character during the first few minutes of the game. We call this feature the Character Creation menu. And, some people literally spend hours creating the perfect looking character to begin their journey.
Still, there are times when the character that you created at the beginning of the game does not meet your liking. In such cases, knowing about how to change appearance will help you a lot.
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Keeping that in mind, we have prepared a handy Monster Hunter Rise guide talking about how you can change the appearance of your in-game character.
How to Change Your Appearance in Monster Hunter Rise
In Monster Hunter Rise, you can change your appearance via the Appearance Settings accessed through any item box.
When you jump in the game, look for an Item Box that you use to manage items, pieces of equipment, and other similar things. When you are near an Item Box, interact with it to get the available options.
Once this is done, you will find the Appearance Settings at the bottom of the available options. Click on it, and you will get the option to Change Appearance.
Using the Change Appearance option, you can do a rehaul of your character design.
But to change the body type, you need the premium Character Edit Voucher.
Monster Hunter Rise is currently available on Nintendo Switch and PC platforms.
Published: Jan 18, 2022 06:04 am